
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Buttons and Binding

Hello Everyone,

The machine quilting is completed on Buttonwood.  I forced myself to finish this yesterday so I can start working on the binding, and have this quilt hanging up Memorial Day weekend, then it will be on display at In Between Stitches.

Kits are still available at the shop for Buttonwood Americana.

Now that I'm done with baskets, it is time to get back to October Magic.

Then I have to put the last border on Country Charmer. Once that is done, it will go on the quilting machine.

I think I need a few more projects!

As always,



  1. Very pretty quilt. Like you, I need a few more projects ;-)

  2. Stunning - simply stunning!!!

    Yes, you need another project - one to replace the baskets. teehee!!!

  3. Oh how I just love your buttonwood Americana !!!! Just GORGEOUS!!

  4. Keeping the yellow and adding more was just the right quilt medicine, Lynn! I can just see sitting on it in the cool grass with a hefty picnic basket full of goodies! October Magic is looking more and more like the Squash House - it's just so cute!

  5. Wow just gorgeous. I really like the last quilte, so pretty. Can't wait to see what magic you quilt on that one :)

  6. Another really amazing quilting job. As my daughter said about my dinner "thirteen thumbs up".
