
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Mountain Musings

Hello Everyone,

My time at the long arm is over!  Christmas Ribbons is now quilted and I'm working on the binding.

I absolutely love the curved cross-hatching rulers that I bought from Linda, at The Quilted Pineapple. They are going to add a whole new dimension to my machine quilting.  I'm looking forward to experimenting with them.

The little pebbles took me a long, long time to quilt.

Now on another note.  Early last evening we took Mazey for her walk.  We stopped at our next door neighbors on our way home for a glass of wine and conversation.  Adele looked over at our cabin and saw Simone the Cinnamon Bear.  Adele grabbed her phone and started taking pictures.

We watched Simone drag herself up about 12 feet to get to the deck, and the bird feeder.  She looked like me when I try to hoist myself up and out of the pool! I could feel her pain.  I guess we could have told her to walk around to the end of the deck and take the stairs.  But we don't want to make this too easy for her.  (That blue thing in the picture is Mazey's wading pool/bathtub.)

Simone walked around on the deck and looked in the kitchen and dining room windows.  Mazey was with us on the deck, and we were so surprised that she didn't bark very much.  She seemed to be just as intrigued as we all were.  Simone knew we were there, and wasn't at all concerned with us.

She then prepared for her dismount. Doesn't she look like a little kid dressed in a bear suit?  She is pretty small to be on her own and fending for herself.

We had to give her low marks as she used a tree to help with the dismount.  She just latched her claws into the tree and shimmied down.

Then she scampered off into the forest.

Let me tell you, it wasn't a quiet walk back to our cabin in the dark.  We sang, and made a lot of noise just in case she was still around.  Hearing Mr. Joe sing would send anyone running!



  1. Double Header, Lynn -

    Congratulations on your Christmas Ribbons Quilt. It's absolutely wonderful!

    Now about Simone...OMG!!!!

    1. Thanks Paula. I'm working on binding right now.

  2. I love Linda's rulers. The curved crosshatch looks lovely. Fun pictures of Simone...from a safe distance! Glad she didn't find anything to eat and tempt frequent visits.

    1. We had just barbecued fish on the deck, so than may have attracted her. Luckily, the top was down on the barbecue when we went for our walk.

  3. wow that is really something - you really have to be careful in your own neighborhood - does animal control ever come to relocate a bear?

    1. If this one started breaking into cabins, Fish and Game would relocate her.

  4. Lynn the quilt is darling. Your quilting is perfect. Ah - the bears. How you can make me laugh. That bear must have been watching you, Joe, and Mazey leave. Like a little "bear burgler"...

    1. If the Simone breaks in, then we will have a problem. Right now, I don't feel threatened, but we are on high alert.

  5. Love the way you quilted that one. Oh, my, a regular visit from Simone. That would make me nervous.

    1. Thank you. I'm afraid Simone will be back. She has probably visited quite often, and we just haven't noticed her.

  6. love that beautiful quilt and the bear

    1. Thank you Barbara. Simone made quite a hit with all of us last night.

  7. Christmas Ribbons is such eye candy, Lynn! I love the center stars! Are those fussy cut? Simone sure is athletic! Was Joe singing "When you go out in the woods tonight? He might want to record it and just have it play in a continuous loop to keep her and her brothers and sisters away (wink)!

    1. Yes, I fussy cut the center snowflakes. We normally take the air horn with us.....but not last night.

  8. Beautiful quilt and quilting! (I think I'd have had someone drive me home!)

    1. That made us laugh Cheree. We were very aware of our surroundings, even with Mr. Joe's horrible singing!

  9. The quilt, and the quilting are beautiful! And the bear on your deck: a bit frightening!! You guys really need to get some serious protection! It seems like you all are having more bear sightings than in the past! Take care!!! Hugs, H

  10. Do you make these to sell? Your work is amazing

  11. Gorgeous!! Love your quilting, too. Really makes it spectacular!

    Did you design the piecework yourself? Is there a pattern?

    1. Yes, I designed, made, and machine quilted Christmas Ribbons. Thank you for asking!

  12. Found the pattern in your etsy shop. Found your blog via a Pin.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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