
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Testing, testing

 Hello Everyone,

Maybe you've been wondering where I've been.....maybe not.  I'm working on a special project for a major fabric company which has been filling my days.

I haven't touched the sewing machine for weeks, and I've missed it so much!  Yesterday, I put everything aside, and actually spent some time in my sewing room instead of sitting at the computer.

This is a technique new to me.....curved seams.  It reminds me of those dreaded set-in sleeves that my mom, the 4-H sewing instructor, tried to teach me.  I wasn't an ideal student! These seams are much easier, or I've matured enough to finally figure it out, and not fight it.

I somehow managed not to take home economics in high school.  I was quite partial to the humanities and the social sciences.  I guess having a mom who was a sewing instructor, kept me out of a domestic engineering class. 

The few and far between set-in sleeves that I did make, weren't always a great success.  I tended to have lots of puckers.  I always had more "sleeve" left over than garment.  That's when I decided to just take in the side seam.....which made the top quite snug. I finally got smart, and made only sleeveless blouses and dresses.  

Now, I wouldn't dream of going sleeveless!  Over the past few years I've developed "bat wings" when I raise my arms.  If I got caught out in a breeze, I may just take flight!

On the home front, life has been a bit stressful.  Our son tested positive for Covid.  So far he  seems to have a mild case.  I feel so helpless being 100 miles away.  We almost made a chicken soup run, but cancelled that when he placed a delivery for groceries. I could "feel" him rolling his eyes through the phone. 

We've decided to stay put at the cabin for Christmas.  This will be the first time ever that we haven't been with our kids and grandkids.  I know it's for the best, but I just can't wrap my brain around the idea. Before Christmas, we are going to make a run down to the city to drop off presents on the front porches of our kids, then scoot back to the mountains.  We will stay home this year, so we can all be together next year. 



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Paula! We could all use some right now.

  2. Wishing your son a speedy recovery. Take care.

    1. Thank you Sharon. He's been sick for a solid week.

  3. Replies
    1. I agree Linda! My son didn't sound very good today when we spoke.

    2. Linda, you just won the 2020 Spelling Bee absolutely hands down.

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing your new project. Your comment about staying home for Christmas brought tears to my eyes. What a rough year this has been for so many reasons. Wishing your son a speedy recovery.

    1. Thank you, Julie. We will all have to make the best by celebrating just a bit differently this year.

  5. Hoping for a full and quick recovery for your son. Our best wishes to you all.

    1. Thank you, Carol. All he wants to do is sleep, and that's what he needs.

  6. I'm praying that your son gets well really soon. Take care. 🎄

    1. Thank you so much, Angie. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

  7. I am saying healing prayers for your son and that his family remains healthy. I’m a few miles away from him and would love to drop off home cooked comfort food...just say when!

    1. You are so sweet, Madeleine! We are lucky that he has a support system around him.

  8. So sorry to hear about your son. In Western Australia we have been very fortunate our government went hard lockdown early and our internal borders firm. We have had no community transmission. But we have a 3 month old grandson in Switzerland we've never held. And another son in N.Z. we haven't hugged for 10 months.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Lynn. Our government didn't take the virus seriously, and now look at where we are! It is getting worse by the day here in the US.

  9. Bonjour Lynn,
    Les arrondis c'est une technique que je pratique quelques fois et que j'aime beaucoup, notamment les "coquilles".
    En Belgique aussi nous ne pouvons nous rassembler pour fêter Noël et encore moins le Nouvel An.
    A Noël le couvre-feu sera de minuit à 6 h (d'habitude il est de 22 h à 6 h).
    Je crois que le monde entier est à la merci de ce vilain virus.
    Courage, nous le vaincrons.

    1. C’est toujours bon d’avoir de vos nouvelles, Monique. Oui, nous sommes tous à la merci de ce virus. C’est dévastateur pour tant de gens. Prends soin de toi.

  10. Sending hugs to you and Mr Joe! Hoping for a speedu recovery for your son. Stay safe. We will be home for CHristmas also to avoid giving this virus to my 93 yr mother. This will be a first in 66 yrs that I've mised Christmas Eve with the family. We will look forward to next year.

    1. Thank you, Jeanne. If you had told me in March that we would still be in this same situation, only worse now, I wouldn't have believed it.

  11. Oh Lynn, I’m so sorry to hear your son has the virus! Bob and I send love to you all. We hope he is on the mend soon!

    1. Thanks Candace. This is day #8, and Kade is still sick and just plain exhausted.

  12. I agree, it is very hard to do this stay home thing. Fingers crossed that it is the only time and we can all gather next year. Best wishes for your son's recovery.
