
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Party in the Garden....almost

Hello Everyone,

I can't believe that I let the weeks get away from me without a blog update. If you don't hear from me, just picture a quilter never leaving her sewing machine or computer. I've been sewing one minute and writing up a pattern the next. Even Joe and Zinny wonder where I've been. Here are some of the sections sewn together. I'm not quite ready for the big "reveal" just yet.

I've finished all of the embroidery embellishments.

I finished another one of these little charmers. I still think I'm going to design a whole quilt around 6-1/2" blocks with forty pieces of material! I love these little blocks and they are turning out to be the most precise block I've made....ever.
I still have to make four more of the English paper-pieced flowers for the corners of the quilt.....maybe tomorrow.

The house is going to be surrounded in flowers....I think.

Swing the gate open and come into my garden and sit for awhile.

Until later....and as always,


  1. Precious PRECIOUS!
    I can hardly wait to see the finished quilt..
    Sitting on pins, needles and threads....... Crissie

  2. This s my personal favorite!
    greetings from Holland.
    with love,
