
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Home is Where My Heart Is

Hello Everyone,

There's no place like home.....there's no place like home. I should add that I'm tapping my ruby slippers while saying this. I do feel like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I wasn't gone for very long, just long enough to appreciate my home, hubby and dog even more.

Home is where you heart is and longs to be. I'm home, feeling quite good actually and so happy to be here. I 'm going to get back to my little hexagon flowers this afternoon! It was quite silly of me to take them to the hospital expecting to work on them. What was I thinking?

I made this wall hanging for my son and his bride back in 2006. It has been hanging in their home for the past four years.
Thank you for your emails and comments. They all were greatly appreciated.

As always,


  1. Lynn, I too suffer from "delusional doability", thinking that I will do this, and this and this. Glad to hear that all went well. What a lucky couple to have such a beautiful quilt.

  2. Lovely ~ Many times I wish I were your sister or if there's no room for that, a cousin? I love the hearts wall hanging.
    Dreaming of project and touching fabric always makes us fabraholics feel much better. A Dream is a Dream until it comes true... or you put it on fabric~

  3. Any hopes of getting a pattern? Say at Alden Lane in October????????????
