
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Current Projects

Hello Everyone,

You've probably been thinking that I've been slacking off.....just the opposite. Busy week for us here but not too busy to get some quilting done.

Remember Toyland Tree?  I decided to switch all of the blocks to a black background.  The green was pretty, but the voice in the back of my head kept telling me to switch them to a black background.  So I did.  There is still more applique to complete on this little guy which I will do in the evenings. 

I've also been working on the pastel version of Heartfire.  I sewed all of the little connector triangles to the blocks.  Now I just need to sew the blocks and rows together.  I think I'm going to stick with the orange polka dot inner border with a green and pink outer border.  I auditioned a pink polka dot inner border, but I'm more of an orange kinda gal. (Reminds me of the orange wallpaper I had in my kitchen back in the 1970's.)  This quilt is so pretty in person thanks to the wonderful Fig Tree fabric.
And then......I finished the backing for Summer's Blush and got it on my quilting machine.  There is so much going on in this quilt, I decided to keep the borders simple.  Now I have to figure out what to quilt around the 48 hexagons flowers.  I was just ready to begin when the bobbin ran out.  How I wish there was such a thing as an endless bobbin!
I broke down and untied the beautiful bundle of Wild Rose by Blackbird Designs.  I have an idea in mind for this fabric.....but when am I going to find the time to work on it?  The fabric is calling to me from here!  What a temptation to drop everything and start working with it.  But as you can see, I have a lot going on already.

It's a good feeling to always have something that you want to do.  I look forward to waking up in the morning just knowing that I have a full day of fun ahead of me.  The word "bored" does not exist in my vocabulary.

Today, we went to see our granddaughters play their last soccer game of the season.  This afternoon/early evening we have a 50th Wedding anniversary party to attend.  Before, after and between all of this fun, I'll still have time to squeeze in a little quilting and blogging.

Make the most of each day.  Enjoy every day.  Treasure the memories that you make each day. Give thanks for each day. May you be so fortunate that you never say you are "bored."

As always,



  1. I absolutely LOVE the snowman.

    I think you're right too about the orange border. When we were first married we had orange wallpaper in the living room, then we moved and had orange worktops in the kitchen. Funny how things change isn't it?

  2. I'm surprised that you changed all those Toyland blocks to black. Can't wait to see the finished project.

  3. I went back through your older post looking for the snowman on green but you never posted a picture of him on the green background. I really like the way the black background makes him look more 3-D. Can't wait to see how the rest of the toys look on the Black.
    I knew you couldn't leave that bundle all tied together, half the fun of getting new fabric is fondling it.
    My problem is I spend to much time fondling the fabrics and not enough time quilting.
