
Monday, December 6, 2010

Pastel Heartfire

Hello Everyone,

On this blustery day in California, I think we all need a breath of spring, so I'll post the quilt top I finished yesterday using my Heartfire pattern.  This truly is a scrappy quilt.  I used fabrics from nine different lines of Fig Tree Quilts.  That is the beauty of fabric collections from the same designer.  They can be mixed and matched so easily and look good without a great deal of effort.

I've been collecting and collecting this fabric and it was past time to start using it up.  Which I didn't, but I made a good dent in my Fig Tree stash.

All of the 4" centers were cut from the larger floral patterns then surrounded by smaller prints, checks, stripes and don't forget those dots!  I love the polka dots and use them whenever I can.

This will make a nice twin size quilt for one of my granddaughters.

Tuesday, December 7th, is Preview Night at In Between Stitches.  The quilting and sewing instructors will be showing the quilts, garments or projects that we will be teaching from January thru April of next year.  It's a great way to see everything and start planning your quilting class calendars.  I had to get this quilt top finished before Tuesday.  There is absolutely no way it will be quilted in time......but it will be quilted by the time I teach the class!  I will also be teaching Madrigal, Summer's Blush and I'll have my Party in the Garden drop in class. 

Have a wonderful week working on your "gotta get it done lists".  What is the worst thing that can happen if you don't get it done?  Try not to stress too much.  Remember, this is the most wonderful time of the year and we need to slow down and enjoy the season.

As always,


  1. Gracious, that is one gorgeous quilt! Isn't is great how you can combine fabrics from a designer's various collections and it always works? And is so much more interesting than confining yourself to a more limited number of fabrics.

  2. Lynn, it's beautiful!! It has such a warm cozy cottage feel to it! I love how you combined all the different fabric collections from Fig Tree. I love your pattern! Can I order it from In Between Stitches?

  3. It's beautiful. Can't wait to see it up close. I'm also happy to see the classes your going to teach next year. They are all great quilts. Hopefully I'll see you next Monday

  4. Hi Lynn,

    I tried to order your Heartfire pattern through In Between Stitches over two months ago and I still haven't received it. What could the matter be?


  5. That is soooo beautiful. I wish I could see it up close and personal. Enjoy yourself at the preview evening.

  6. Love the pattern, I'm sure she will love it.
