
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pillow Fight Anyone?

Hello Everyone,

The placemats are all done, all twelve of them are just waiting to be quilted. I started pillowcases for all the grand kids last night. This is an easy and fun pattern to whip up some Christmas cheer every time your little ones lay their head on their pillows while dreaming of sugarplums.

The shop hands this pattern out for the Million Pillowcase Challenge.  The directions are on this link, or you can follow mine.  There are also directions for other pillowcases at this site.

These directions are for a standard size pillowcase 20" x 31".  You will use 1/4" seam allowance.  This case is made using three different fabrics: a main fabric, an accent fabric and a cuff.

3/4 yard main fabric - cut 27" X width of fabric
1/8 yard accent fabric - cut 3" X width of fabric
1/4 yard cuff fabric - cut 9" X width of fabric

Lay the cuff fabric, right side up, raw edges on top, selvedge down the sides.  Fold the accent strip in half lengthwise wrong sides together and press.  Lay the accent piece on top of the cuff lining up the raw edges.

Lay the main fabric right side down and line up raw edges with selvedge on sides.

Roll up the main fabric from the bottom, so the cuff fabric shows,

Take the bottom edge of the cuff and line up the raw edges.  Pin and sew 1/4" from the raw edges.  This will form a tube.
Reach into the tube, pull out main fabric.  All the raw edges will be enclosed in the tube.  Press well.

Now trim the selvedge edges off, so that the unit now measure 41" across.  With wrong sides together sew a scant 1/4' seam down the side and across the bottom.

Turn wrong side out and stitch a generous 1/4' seam along side and bottom.  Turn right side out and press.

I always add a little 'P.S. I love you' tag on the first step of the construction.  I want the little kids to know Grammy loves them every night when they go to sleep.  Doesn't everyone want to know that?

One pillow case down,  five more to go......lay out the cuff fabric..................

I hope you all have a wonderful day and weekend dreaming of sugarplums.

As always,



  1. Thanks so much for the awesome tutorial. I will try it. I have yet to make anything but a quilt, but have wanted to make some pillowcases.

  2. I have made this pillowcase for my grandkids. I make a special theme that they like and give them as part of their Birthday gift. They love them. It's something special from grandma. I love the idea of putting the p.s.I love you tag in. I bought some and haven't used them. Great idea.
