
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Party in the Garden - Month #9

Hello Everyone,

For those of you participating in the BOM program, here we are at month #9 for Party in the Garden. This is an easy month for you. I want you to get lots of practice making these little flowers because month #11 is going to be full of them.  Don't forget to center the little hexagon paper right in back of the flower on the fabric.  Attention to detail is my motto!  I drive myself crazy with my attention to detail.

This grouping of four flowers goes below the picket fence that you will receive next month.  It's the month after that you will need to prepare yourself.  Enough said....don't say I didn't warn you!  Now I've talked to many of you making this quilt, and to a person (except maybe one or two or five), you all love the little flowers.  They do become addicting and are very portable to cart around with you.

I love these little flowers and I hope you do also.  I also love the cross-hatching in the yellow border fabric which sets the whole section off nicely.  Enjoy!

As always,



  1. I really like how you used the crosshatching to set that section around the flowers off. Very pretty. I heard crosshatching is a bugger. Do find it hard to do? Do you do anything special to make it easier?

  2. I can almost smell the flowers from here, Lynn! And they almost look like they were done with a little trapunto?

  3. Adorable! Just in time for spring!
