
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Guest Blogger.....Harleigh

Hi I'm Harleigh

I'm at the cabin sewing yo yos.  I'm on spring break.  My dad helped cut down the tree that fell.  Grammy and I burned the branches that were on the ground.  Today Poppy and I went to the new bakery and got a loaf of bread and doughnuts.  Goodbye.

Hello Everyone,

The best thing about the tree falling down is that we now have front row seats around the campfire for marshmallow toasting.

Thanks to our son and Harleigh, most of the tree mess is gone.  Not quite sure what we are going to do with the stump.

We don't think we broke any child labor laws over the past few days!  Harleigh and I would only play Lumberjack-ets for about four hours a day.  Then we would get cleaned up, fix lunch, and turn to a more genteel job of quilting.
As always,

Lynn (Grammy)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harleigh! Sounds like you and your grammy had a fun few days! What are you making with the yo-yo's? Your new campfire seats are wonderful - I bet you can't wait to make S'mores and sit around the fire!
