
Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Flower Box is Full

Hello Everyone,

The flower box for my Party in the Garden design is ready for stitching. I usually stitch my applique pieces together in the evening while watching TV for two reasons.  #1 - I don't feel like I'm wasting time and #2 - it keeps me awake! 

The flower box will be next to the house.  I think they are going to look cute together.  There is still time to sign up for the BOM program at ThimbleCreek quilt shop. Click HERE for details.  The first month is going to be mailed out very soon.

I am experiencing intermittent Internet and phone access, so this could be an interesting next few days at the cabin.  I can understand phone and Internet disruption during the winter but not during the summer!  It is getting absolutely ridiculous. But, on a positive note, I get more quilting done since the phone doesn't ring and I'm not able to bloghop or respond to emails as often as I would like to.  In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't call in a work order.......I might just get more done!

As always,



  1. I am looking forward to seeing the finished quilt. The colors are so vibrant. I really enjoy seeing what your working on and the sharing of other quilters.

  2. It's the leaves getting in the way of all those words trying to come through the air, either by phone or internet!
