
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cabin Time

Hello Everyone,

Time again at the cabin to do yard work....and I do mean work! The cabin is situated on a hill, so I either rake downhill and cart everything up, or rake uphill, and it all tumbles down. There is a distinct difference between gardening, and yard work. Gardening is more gentile, I'm into the blood, sweat and tears of YARD WORK!

Since I would bore you to tears with pictures of pine needles, here is a picture of the first quilt that I semi-designed and got the creative juices flowing.  Several years ago, In Between Stitches was in the process of moving to a new location right before a big shop hop.  Melissa and Leslie had so much on their collective plates, so I opened my big mouth and volunteered to put the shop hop blocks together and design/make/quilt the quilt for our shop.

After the shock wore off that I HAD to do this, I literally stared at the 20 blocks, made by all of the other shops for a few days wondering what in the H-E-double toothpicks was I going to do?

The shop's logo is a beehive, so I knew I had to have a beehive or two in the mix.  I love applique, so that had to be included.  I love the look of nine-patches, so there you have it.  I got over my fear and started in with pad and pencil and came up with this design.  Then I had to quilt it!!  The turmoil started all over again.....the deadline was approaching for the Shop Hop and I wasn't done.  Several late nights later the quilt was done and proudly on display for the Hop. 

Zinnie loves to have her picture taken and posed for me for this shot.

Breaktime is over.  I have to get back outside and attack the yard with my pitchfork and rake.  Zinnie of course will be a big help carrying pine cones one at a time for me.  May your day be filled with raking downhill!

As always,



  1. Oh, Lynn you really hit it out of the ballpark! The design is gorgeous. Very creative to put a couple of blocks with the applique in the corners. Love the applique!!! And the quilting is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!!!! As all your quilting is!!

  2. Oh Lynn, the quilt is beautiful! I love it, and the applique is the perfect touch. The dog is beautiful too - you can send both here if ever you tire of them! (LOL) Still can't post the usual way because the comment section does not pop up in a new page. Wish Blogger would fix this. Oh well, my blog is

  3. That quilt is stunning!!! I too love the applique in the corner.

  4. Hee - I wonder if you enjoy your pitchfork as much as I do mine, Lynn! Makes you think quilting is a breeze after a hard day of yard work! What a stunning design - wish I had been in on that shop hop for sure - and the quilting is so perfect! Zinnie is a beautiful model, too!

  5. Beautiful quilt and I love the applique.

  6. What a great quilt, beautifully modelled by Zinnie. Hope you enjoyed the raking and aren't aching too much?

  7. I love your idea and how it all comes together! What an eye for just the right setting!
    My yard work last week was wild! I got something in my eye while trying to cut back the wisteria tree, then something ??? popped into my mouth, not even giving me time to think, then the next day I found I had been bit by some naughty spider or? A week later it still itches. A Sweet neighbor gave me some triple Antibiotic cream this morning and it sure has helped. Be careful of ticks up in the mountains Lynn. Scary thought!
