
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pattern Testers

Hello Everyone,

When you don't hear a peep out of me for several days in a row, you'll know that I'm working at the shop or teaching quilting or playing hookie!  That has not been the case this week...the hookie part that is.  Yesterday, my friend Isabelle, my sister Gail, and I spent the day in the classroom at In Between Stitches, working out the cobwebs in the Winterset pattern.  Here are my sister's beautiful blocks so far. She is using a combination of fabrics from Blueberry Crumb Cake by Blackbird Designs and Lily & Will by Bunny Hill.

I include a block layout sheet in the patterns with the more complex blocks.  So far this idea has been well received.  It helps to corral the 60 pieces of fabric for this block.  I found a cutting error in the pattern and my sister found a clarification point.  The girls were very studious throughout the whole day.  Watching them work with very little direction from me, helps me tremendously in the writing of the pattern. 

Here is their final goal.  My sister still trembles when she hears the word applique.  (I just wispered it so she doesn't cringe.)  She may fill in her applique area with blocks, which will look wonderful on her guest room bed.

I'm still pulling the directions together to create this center section.  The drawing isn't hard, but the written word on how to explain the inset with the flange isn't easy.  I think I need to retreat to the cabin just like a real author, finish this pattern and put it and me out of my misery.

Isabelle has her Party In the Garden quilt all sandwiched and ready for a combination of hand and machine quilting.  This was Isabelle's first attempt at applique.....there, I said it loudly!  Her quilt is beautiful!  She added many of her own little touches that enhanced the quilt and made it her own.  She has every reason to be proud of her efforts.

While I was at the shop yesterday, Barbara brought in her completely finished Country Charmer quilt for me to see.  We are going to do a real photo session with lights, camera, and a little bit of action.  Barbara is going to let me photograph her quilt for my pattern's inside cover so I can show an alternate colorway.  Barbara mainly used Jo Morton fabric and achieved a very patriotic look and feel.

Just one more item of note then I'll let you go.  Four of my quilts will be at the Mid Altantic Quilt Festival in Hampton, VA starting tomorrow in The Christmas Shoppe booth. Stop by Mary Jane's beautiful booth and tell her Lynn sent you. She has a great selection of patterns, fabrics and embellishments that you won't want to miss.  I wish I could hop on a plane and jet across the country for the show.  You will have to be my 'eyes' and tell me all about it.

As always,



  1. So many beauties with so many talented women involved. :-)

  2. Oh My Goodness!!!! OK, I am totally in line to buy this pattern. :D That is absolutely beautiful,

  3. Your testers rock, Lynn! Tell Gail I was totally afraid of applique at first but once I got it, it was well worth trying! I love what Barbara did with her Country Charmer, too! I'm always so inspired when I stop over here!

  4. I am so in awe of Isabelle and her work on "Party in the Garden"...and just a little jealous too!!!!
    And congratulations on the patterns at Mid-Atlantic! Well deserved, Lynn!!!


  5. And, to Gail...YOU CAN DO IT!!!

