
Friday, August 17, 2012

Bordering on......Insanity???

Hello Everyone,

I'm holed up, no cooped up, no sequestered away working on borders for Toyland Tree.  I made a whole bunch of strips sets and cut them up.  When you think about it, all we quilters do is cut up fabric into different shapes and sizes and sew it all back together again creating different shapes and sizes.  Is it an exercise in futility or creativity?

After all that stripping, I end up with this.

Then I ended up with a whole bunch of them.  Ten down, eight more to go.

They will go together something like this.....but not exactly.  I have to leave you guessing just a little bit.  I can't spill all the beans just yet.  

When I start designing, I have an idea what the quilt is going to look like, but ideas come to me along the design path, and I take off in a different direction.  This border idea is totally different from the original design, but I didn't have enough fabric to pull it off.  Thanks to the speedy delivery and availability from The Fat Quarter shop, I was able to purchase more of the black fabric......and it was a perfect match. I was sweating bullets until it arrived.

I'm getting a little anxious as to whether or not this quilt and pattern directions are going to be finished by my deadline of September 14th.  I'm making forward progress, but I'm just past the fifty yard line with a whole bunch of yards ahead of me.  I can see the goal posts from here, and I'm running as fast as I can. The devil is in the details, and this quilt is very detailed!

I'm off to start my day, working away at my to-do list.  I try to be reasonable with my expectations of what I think I can get done everyday.  Some days I fall short, and other days I'm ahead of myself.  So I guess it will all even out in the end.




  1. You can do it! You can do it! You can do it! Woooooot!

    Cheery wave from Bev (who is cheering you on)!

  2. Looks like you have the ball tucked under your arm and you are heading for a touch down...(and the crowd is roaring....!!)"GO LYN GO!!"

  3. That's so cool :D I love the look around the corner that you've shown.

  4. Love this quilt. It's soooooooo cute! Will be keeping good thoughts for your finish.

  5. Lynn, good luck with your deadline. For me I often work better with a dealine, even if it is self imposed.Love the look of the border, I am really looking forward to the "big"reveal on this quilt.

  6. That is a fun idea for a border! :)

  7. A lot of stitching to make the border but it is looking very good so worth the time and effort.

  8. Sure you can do it's going to be awesome.
    Julia ♥

  9. My goodness - this is just going to be so much fun, Lynn! A masterpiece for sure! We do love the FQ Shop for sure! Sending good Karma your way for a finish on deadline!

  10. Your border looks great, if I am imagining it right. As for the deadline, I'm sure it will all work out OK, but if it's not ready, will it be a disaster to not take this pattern to your show?

  11. My husband calls it 'deconstructionism'- taking big pieces and cutting them into little pieces to make big pieces! Whatever it is, it's still lots of fun, and pretty addictive sometimes too.
