
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Christmas Quilt Along - Sept. Post #2

Hello Everyone,
Back again.  I finished quilting this block along with a couple of others in the row.  I'm not breaking any quilting speed limits on the blocks in this quilt.  I'm constantly changing thread color and tying off the loose ends.  

This whole quilt started out as my Nostalgic Christmas pillow pattern. I liked the block so much, I couldn't stop making them. I added some sashings, posts, a wide border and before I knew it, I had a Christmas quilt.

Speaking of loose break up the quilting monotony, I decided to sew some of the yo-yo's on Toyland.  I found just the perfect snowflake button to attach them to the quilt.  This picture show a little bit of the yo-yo's and a lot of the quilting.

The little yo-yo's add so much to the overall design.  The bottom row looks naked without them!  I'll get back to my machine quilting now and save the last six yo-yo's for latter on when I need a nice break and can sit down for a few minutes.  If I remember, I'll take a close-up of the snowflake buttons.




  1. You're right about the yo-yo's, Lynn - funny how it's the little things that make all the difference, isn't it?

    1. It's always the little things in life that make a huge difference! --Lynn

  2. Your Nostalgic Christmas Pillow(s) turned quilt is beautiful.

    1. Thank you Donna. They were so much fun to make that I got a little carried away and made nine more blocks for the quilt! --Lynn

  3. What a work of art! I am impressed!

    1. Thank you Vicki! I appreciate your kind words. Maybe the quilt will be on display at the Museum of Modern Art someday. --Lynn

  4. I've run out of superlatives, so I'll just say that both quilts are OK I guess.

    1. Your British sense of humor or (humour) makes me laugh everytime Sue! --Lynn

  5. Those Yo Yo's are just the perfect touch & your Nostalgic Christmas quilt is just gorgeous ! Looks like Christmas at your house already ;-)

    1. You are so right Sue. It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas at my house. I just need some of Hazel's cookies to complete the picture! --Lynn

  6. I've used up all superlatives like QuiltSue - that quilt is a treasure. Will it be entered for a judging anywhere?

    1. Hi Joanna, I've never entered any of my quilts into a quilt show. I think that would take the fun out of it for me. I don't know if I could stand the pressure of judging. (But it would be nice to have a ribbon of any color hanging in my quiltroom!)--Lynn

  7. Gosh - I missed so much while we were gone, Lynn! I've been drinking in all your posts and actually feel a little tipsy! Wouldn't want to sit on one of Mr. Joe's wonderful saddle chairs right now (wink). Toyland has turned out incredibly beautiful! Love the Yo-yo touches! I've always used a toilet tissue tube for my binding - I was never clever enough to think of the paper towell roll! I'm so glad you're quilting Nostalgic Christmas before the show, too! This is one "hangover" I won't mind at all!

    1. Well Candace, we can tie you into the saddle chairs just like the little kids, so you won't topple over from your eye candy hangover! Glad you had a safe trip. The cabin that you stayed in looked so quaint.....right up our alley.

  8. Thank you for coming along to play today, Lynn, I have had such a heap of fun as a Beach Babe in September!

    Your quilts have such texture - it adds a whole new dimension to these works of art. Beautiful.

    1. Thank you for hosting the QAL today Hazel, AKA Beach Babe! It won't be long, and we'll all be huddled around a nice fire toasting marshmellows. --Lynn

  9. What a gorgeous quilt! The yo-yos and buttons are a delightful touch and really do make a wonderful finish.

    1. Thank you so much. The yo-yos really pulled the whole design together.....who knew little yo-yo's could have such an important role! --Lynn

  10. All that extra work is really paying off!

    1. Thank you Yvette. I can see the light at the end of the quilting tunnel. --Lynn

  11. Good Grief I missed the Christmas Quilt a long day? I really need a write in calendar by the computer.

    You picked the perfect quilting to really show off that Christmas quilt you worked so hard finally finish.

    I must admit your beautiful quilting has me feeling a bit guilty for planning an all over design for a baby quilt I'll be working on soon.

    1. I'm sorry you missed the QAL Elizabeth. If is a good thing Sue reminded me or I would have forgotten it too. Thank you for your nice comment. --Lynn
