
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fons & Porter Free Ebook

Hello Everyone,

I was both delighted and surprised when I was contacted by the online media coordinator for Fons & Porter. I was asked if I would be interested in receiving a copy and writing a review of their newest ebook Build Your Best Log Cabin. This girl didn’t have to think twice! Fons & Porter, FONS & PORTER asking for my opinion!!! That’s like President Obama asking me for my opinion on his State of the Union speech prior to delivery. Okay, enough with the comparisons, but you get the picture. I was thrilled and jumped at the chance to write a review. The ebook soon arrived in my email inbox, which I downloaded immediately. 

First you are greeted with delicious, non-caloric eye candy which is in keeping with Fons & Porter publications……very Fons &Porteresque….(a new phrase I made up just for this review!)

The ebook contains a wealth of information about Log Cabin blocks from their history to their construction. Plus the ebook contains four new patterns many of you will be adding to your 2013 Quilting Bucket List.

Liz and Marianne give you the tools and the blueprints to add to your quilting toolbox so you can Build Your Best Log Cabin. The tools begin with easy to read cutting charts for the most popular log cabin blocks. There are charts for Traditional, Courthouse Steps, Chimneys & Cornerstones Courthouse Steps and Chevron or Off-Center Log Cabin blocks.

I followed the easy cutting chart and before I knew it, I had an extremely accurate and very cute little 5” block (4-12/” finished.)

In the past when I made a Log Cabin block, I never cut my ‘logs’ first. I would always sew using long strips, and then trim the logs. I found by cutting my logs first as suggested in the ebook, my block measurements were spot on.

I checked for accuracy after each round. I’m not saying I’m the best machine piecer in the world, but these blocks were perfect after each round!

I was so pleased with the first block that I decided to make some more blocks from the other charts included in the book. In all my years of quilting, I had never made a Chevron block. This was fun!

In all my years of quilting, I had never made a Courthouse Steps block…..until now.

Not only do you learn about different Log Cabin blocks, your toolbox includes many different setting options once you’ve made your blocks.

My brain is just spinning with ideas. What about combining the different style of log cabin blocks? Now this would be an interesting border.

I need to make a few more blocks to get a better representation of what this would look like in a quilt. This too, might make an interesting border.

Not only will you have charts to design your own quilt, you also have four new patterns to make either traditional or contemporary quilts. There’s something for every quilting style and level of quilter from challenging to easy.

But wait, there’s more! I’m anxious to try the section covering the bobbin work with trapunto using water soluble stabilizer backing. This sounds interesting and would greatly enhance my machine quilting.

 Again, in Fons & Porteresque style, there are many hints and tips from organization of strips to construction of blocks. There is also a section on binding with piping and how to join your binding without lumps. This is the method I use and it’s the best I've found.

Now here’s the best part…….you can download the book for free right HERE!  (Prior to download, you will have to key in your email address.) This ebook will make you put your thinking cap on. The ideas and blueprints are presented to you in a clear and concise manner. It is up to you to gather together a calculator, sketch pad and pencil to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper and start building your best log cabin. The tools are at your finger tips thanks to Liz and Marianne. Start “sawing” those logs and start construction!

Many thanks to Liz and Marianne for being so gracious to make this ebook available for all of my readers first! While you are visiting their website, check out other free ebooks by going to Online Extras HERE. There is a wealth of information available on their site which will make you a better quilter. 

Thank you Liz and Marianne for giving me the honor of reviewing your new ebook. I’ve started designing my blueprints to build My Best Log Cabin!


P.S Some corrections: On page 15, Courthouse Steps Log Cabin Chart, the cutting directions on the bottom row for strips #15 & #16 the row should read 5", 7.25", 9.50", 11.75" and 14".

One page 18, Chevron Chart, strip #4 & 5 under 11-1/4" block should be 4-1/4"


  1. Yep, you know your good when the pros come to you! Now if the president contacts you we are in big trouble! LOL

  2. Wow - that is THE top honor in my book, Lynn! You know, our President said just yesterday his girls didn't want to spend time with him anymore. Maybe if you send this to him he might want to get the girls interested in quilting together with him (wink)! I like to say I learned to quilt from Liz and Marianne since I only had their original book and never took classes! I am hopping over to download the book right now! And I do believe I see some new creations from you forming out of this!

  3. Congrats on an excellent book review...and a free ebook? It can't get much better. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this. And congratulations....well-deserved I might say!!! You do fabulous work and so glad that it is recognized!!!

    1. Hi Carol,
      Your status on blogger is 'no-reply', so I can't send you a direct email. Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate your comment. ~Lynn

  5. I love the first set the best out of the two you were playing with. Interesting...that color combination you put together is oddly reminiscent of October Magic?!?!? Marti Michels Log Cabin Book also recommends cutting your strips to length first, using her rulers in various widths, and making sure that you cut from the length of your fabric to avoid ssstttrrrreeetttccchhhh!!!
    Thank you for the link to the eBook! (& corrections) I'll download it tonight so I can take a look at it...unless I get too distracted when Summer's Blush arrives!

  6. Grest book review Lynn.
    You just have that magic touch of designing and putting blocks the Logs and Steps conbinations.
    Julia ♥.
