
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hello Everyone,
It's been a couple of busy days here at Sew'n Wild Oaks.  I finished the last four blocks for Country Charmer.  As I've been going around to look at other bloggers making this quilt, a consistent phrase that I see a lot is, "This is my favorite block."  Well, this is my favorite block.

This ISN'T my favorite block!  But mixed in with the rest, this cheddar cheese fabric seems to work.  Cheddar and teal, who'd a thunk it?

This in one of my favorite blocks.

I like this one too.

I thought my rocking horse needed a little boost.  I really like the blue check, but I didn't like the way it was all running together while he galloped around the block.

I used two stands of embroidery thread and stitched a little stem stitch around the leg and chin to separate them from the rest of the body.  (I wish I could do an embroidery stitch around my chin to separate it from my body.....wink, wink!)

I've received several pictures of Country Charmer blocks from those in the Country Charmer Quilt Along that do not have blogs.  I'll be posting them tomorrow for our monthly Country Charmer update.  If you have any pictures that you would like posted, please send them to  I'll also post them for you on the Flickr site that Lesley created for the group.  It's going to be great fun to go around the world and see what everyone has been up to for the past month.  Sew, until then........


P.S.  I refuse to put a word verification on my blog, but several and I do mean many, many idiots have managed to sneak comments through Bloggers' spam screening.  I try to eliminate the comments as quickly as I can and report them as spam.  DO NOT under any circumstances click on any of the comments that direct you to any other website.  You DO NOT need breast enhancements, get rich quick schemes, or pills for related male health issues.  Geezz, these people are making me crazy and annoying the H-E-double-toothpicks out of me!  I'll get off my soapbox now and return to the regularly scheduled program.


  1. Wonderful blocks for your Country Charmer.
    This pattern is so great. So many ways to use the fabrics and colors. I think I have to make 2 Contry Charmer quilts, one in brown with turquoise and one from scraps ;-)

    Grit from Germany

  2. On my blog, the spam comes in waves. Nothing for a long time, then suddenly 30 or so over a few days, then nothing again. I just delete them as soon as I notice them, though Blogger puts most in the spam folder and has posted only a few to comments section on the posts.

  3. You can enable comment moderation without having to also use the word verification. With comment moderation only you see the comments until you click a box to either publish, delete, or relegate them to spam. I've used this and so far have been able to keep the spam off my little blog, for now at least!

  4. I have my post ready on the Charmer blocks tomorrow. I dont have word verification, but also do not accept any ANON - so I don't get spam.

  5. Lynn your blocks are beautiful as always...but what if I want a breast enhancement!....LOL

  6. You inspire me to think outside of the box when it comes to color choices, Lynn! Great idea on the embroidery accents - that's right up my alley for sure! Funny - my spam comments lately have been for get rich schemes - wish they would just send winning lotto numbers instead (wink)!

  7. Lynn, another great round of Country Charmer! Love to see the purple peeking out in your blocks. Looking forward to the CC updates tomorrow!

  8. Hi,

    I've also got the box checked to always have comment moderation on. That way I always see the comments before they are seen by others. A couple of months ago I was bombarded almost daily with multiple spam but they finally gave up and took me off their list.

    Good luck, I love the teal and cheddar block, my favourite, but then I'm drawn to yellow and blue which is the same family.

  9. You do know that there's a pathetic little man kept prisoner in a 6x6 concrete box who comes up with all that spam, don't you???


  10. Great blocks Lynn that purple block looks gorgeous.
    I'm falling behind..hope to cathc up next week.
    Julia ♥

  11. I don't know how you can pick a favorite - they are all great! I was getting tons of Spam too, and finally changed my settings so that Anonymous users can not leave comments, and I haven't had any Spam since. You would think that people could find a better use of their time!
