
Thursday, July 25, 2013


Hello Everyone,
I'm back to blogging after a few days of not posting.  All I have to show for my efforts lately is my embroidery in the evenings.  After embroidery.....

Before embroidery.  Those little touches make a big difference.  I'm adding embellishments to each and every block.

I've been outlining some of the baskets features with 2 strands of floss for a "finished" look.  After.....

Before.  It make a difference.

I've also been working on the reference manual for my Patchwork Math class at Quilting in the GardenQuilt Sue and I are on the same page with our classes!  She will be arriving in the States in 2 months.  Check out the giveaway on Sue's blog.....the fabrics look absolutely wonderful.

I'm still having computer issues after the computer was in the hospital for two days with a nasty virus.  The virus was so bad, the technicians hadn't seen anything like it before. Now it appears that my screen is going south with hundreds of blue lines traveling through images.  As soon as the internal the fan turns on, the blue lines go away.  I think the computer is having a hot flash, and the fan alleviates the problem. I can still work on my pattern directions and resource manual, but pictures are an issue.  It's going back to the computer hospital today.

Speaking of pattern directions, I've been working on Harvest of Hope directions.  I have my light box out and I've been finalizing all of the tracing of the applique blocks.  The larger applique drawings are now down at the printers.  There are so many details to think of to make the pattern complete.  Now I just have to finish the quilt, quilt it, bind it, and collate the patterns.  It makes my head spin.  I think I'll go play with the grandkids.



  1. I'm on the edge of my seat with this quilt. So much detail! I can't wait to see it all put together.

  2. The embellishments give it the enhancement that was needed. Looks great.

  3. The detail work is amazing. I will be excited to see this quilt complete.

  4. You are so right with the embellishments. It makes a pretty appliqued block become stunning! Great ideas here!

  5. The embroidery just adds an extra something to already wonderful blocks. I am looking forward to seeing the whole quilt soon.

  6. Can I just place my order now??? I'm pretty certain that there's no need to wait to see the whole quilt assembled...;-}
