
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Country Charmer Quiltalong August

Hello Everyone,
Can it really be that time again?  Each month passes onto the next in lightning speed and the Country Charmer Quiltalong rolls around again faster than before.

This month I'm posting several of my blocks that I made for my last Country Charmer quilt which is now on display at the International Quilt Show in Long Beach, CA in The Quilt House booth.

Selecting the fabrics for each and every block is my favorite part of the quilting process.  While making the blocks for this design, I always started with an interesting center and p-u-l-l-e-d the colors all the way through the block.

Fussy cut a center with several different colors, and the work is done for you.

Shop your stash and see what you can find.  You'll be surprised when a fabric that has been tucked away in a bin will be the perfect match.

You don't need much fabric for these scrappy blocks.  I used up some very tiny scraps.  Waste not, want not.

This is one of my favorite blocks.  I can't tell you why.....I just like it.

The center start pattern is very prominent in this block with the use of the blue fabric.

I threw some orange in the mix.....why not? 

I lost the criss-cross design when I made this block......but it still made it into the final quilt.

Another favorite of mine.

This one was on the "do not use" list for awhile.  But in the end, it made it into the final project.  Never give up on a block.  In the grand scheme of things, it may be just what the quilt needed.

Many thanks to Lesley, The Cuddle Quilter for organizing the Country Charmer Quiltalong.  Check out Lesley's post today to see her quilt blowing in the wind.  I offered to quilt her quilt as a "thank you" for hosting the QAL.  I'll be posting pictures of her quilt during the quilting process, which won't be until October, but just in time for the big Country Charmer parade on November 1st.

Until next month, have fun making your Country Charmer blocks.  Use up those scraps, experiment with color, relax and enjoy the process.



  1. Oh my goodness...looking at these individual blocks and hearing their stories just makes me want to make another CC! They are kind of addictive, aren't they! Thank you so much, Ms Lovely Lynn, for taking us through the CC journey with your fabulous posts and words of wisdom!

  2. I love the scrap Country Charmer. It is a perfect pattern for using up bits of fabric. Every quilt I've seen is a beauty.

  3. I love your blocks great fabrics and choices. I recognize some of the oldies but goodies.

  4. Inspiring!I have had so much fun with your Country Charmer pattern.

  5. One day all those tiny scraps in my bin(s) will go into some Country Charmer blocks, Lynn!

  6. Now I need to have a chance to wander back to my country charmer. Love how your blocks turned out.

  7. Your blocks are just so beautiful Lynn. Your scrap basket must be a sight to behold if the fabrics you have used are anything to go by.

    I am looking forward to following along as you decide how to quilt Lesley's quilt - what a wonderful, generous offer that was of yours.
