
Friday, September 6, 2013

Full Service Quilt Shop

Hello Everyone,
In Between Stitches has always been your "Full Service Quilting Station" and now we have proof positive!  Leslie, switched out the shop's window display this week and, as always, the windows stop foot traffic on the sidewalks of downtown Livermore.

Every September The Altamont Cruisers have a huge car show in downtown Livermore.  Leslie turned one window into an old-fashioned filling station to tie in to the events downtown.

Joyce, one of the shop's talented customers, just finished her Vintage Tin quilt by Crabapple Hill, and what an absolutely perfect quilt to be on display.

Great attention to detail in each and every block.

Thank you Joyce!

The other front window has my Harvest of Hope quilt on display.  As this quilt was being born, Leslie asked if it would be ready in time for Fall.....and it was!

Mr. Joe did a great job taking pictures through the windows.  I don't know how he managed to capture all of the colors without getting reflections.  What a guy!

Fall has arrived at the shop harvesting creativity, a sense of community, and friendships.
Come on down to the shop, we won't clean your windows on your car but we can fill up your "quilting tank" with endless possibilities.  We will charge up your quilting battery and offer roadside assistance along your quilting journey.


  1. I love vintage gas pumps and photograph them wherever we go, Lynn! Sure wish we could be there to see fall in Livermore and fill ip that "other" tank!

  2. How fun - great displays and rich in color and inspiration.

  3. Perfect! Awesome windows! Hope I have an opportunity to see them when we breeze through!

  4. What great displays !!! Very creative ! LOVE THEM !

  5. Oh woww, hov clever. I am so looking forward to seeing the shop for real soon.

  6. The window display is fantastic. I would love to see it in person. I love the fall colours.

  7. What a great idea. I love themed window displays.
