
Friday, October 4, 2013

The Adventures Continue

Hello Everyone,
We've left the mountains and we are headed to San Francisco today.

Quilt Sue wants to take a ride on the "trolleys", drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, then do some shopping on Fisherman's Wharf.  Sourdough bread and clam chowder anyone?  Of course we are going to drive her down the Crookedest Street in the World.....that is really going to throw her for a loop!  Check out Quilt Sue's blog HERE to get caught up on our adventures yesterday of the Quilting Queen.

My sister, AKA pattern tester Gail, will be joining us for our trip to the city today.  Pictures tomorrow.



  1. Mark your calendar! Wayne has figured out that you and Joe hold the key to getting me to SF...Alcatraz on an Autumn night does sound like spooky fun! Bwah ha ha!

  2. Glad to see you all having so much fun. Hope you enjoyed the days outing to San Francisco and Sue was too scared on the trolleys or the twisty street.

  3. If you are heading up to the Redwoods, don't miss Redwood Sewing Center in Eureka . friend BrendaLou's store :)

  4. I'm just catching up on reading blogs...will go check out the quilting queen!
