
Friday, February 7, 2014

Grammy Squares

Hello Everyone,
This post comes with a warning.....extremely addictive!  I've been adding to my Granny Square quilt.  I LOVE making these little cuties!

Each square gives me the opportunity to add more and more color to the quilt.  I have a list of other projects that need to be done, but I keep getting drawn back to this one. I have to be more disciplined about my priority list.

Twenty-nine blocks done......hundreds to go. I still have lots of Y-seams to stitch too.

I use a 1" acrylic hexagon template available HERE for my center.  I've been cutting up my stash 1" at a time for the blocks.  That's all you need, just 1" strips.  I have a tutorial HERE for the larger blocks, but the same construction principle applies when making the smaller blocks.

On another note, there are a couple of Country Charmer kits available HERE at In Between Stitches in the red and green colorway.  I selected the fabrics that are very similar to the fabrics you see here.  It has the same look and feel of my original Country Charmer.  This is a good time to start making this for Christmas!  (I can hear the groaning from blogland now!)  But we have to plan ahead when it comes to quilting projects.

It sounds like we are going to get a little relief from our drought over the next few days.  A gully washer of a rain storm is predicted, and boy do we need the rain. Our situation is so severe, my cactus has been living in fear for the past few months.

I'll be stitching and enjoying every drop of rain this weekend.  How about you?



  1. I love, love, love that first block! Those prints combined have such a folkloric feel! The blacks to set them together are genious. It reminds me of the beautiful bright wool Granny Square afghan that I have that my Grandmother kept on the back of her couch. Your quiltvwill be softer to cuddle with though. It occurs to me that this block would be a great leaders & enders project to keep by the sewing machine...provided you could stop at one strip and not get sidetracked on your other project!

  2. Enjoy the rain Lynn...and your stitching!

  3. Your quilt blocks are wonderful. I will have to give that one a try. I can see why you are addicted :) Boy, we could use some rain too. We finally have a little bit of snow on the ground, but after last summer and 3 months of weather is the high 90's and low 100's and no rain . . . we are in need.
    Maybe we should all learn to do a rain dance :)
    Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for sharing your beautiful quilt blocks.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  4. Love your blocks...and this addiction doesn't cause headaches or weight gains! Thrilled to see more Country Charmers on the way...I'll never tire of seeing those quilts!

  5. Love your blocks .. I can see how addictive they could be ;-)

    Also enjoying this much needed rain by getting alot of sewing done. I am SO glad I made your beautiful Country Charmer in the red & Green :-D

  6. Yummy blocks! I've actually started a Country Charmer in spring colors--I'm really liking it so far! XO

  7. A perfect riot of color in this scrappy hexie quilt - love it! I can see how it could be addictive - you just can't wait to see how the next block turns out, right?

  8. I think you might just have caused a resurgence of Granny Square popularity, Lynn! These look like much more fun than the old crocheted ones we made as kids! Hope you have a canoe ready in case you need to paddle away in a hurry!

  9. Your Granny Squares are just gorgeous.

  10. I love your blocks... the fabrics are very nice!!
    Hugs, from Italy

  11. Snow, snow, snow here. And arctic temps. I love your hexagons. I may try them after my current project. Right now cabin fever has me tackling something I have always had a horrid time trying to do and that is applique. I have a bunch of paper pieced hexies and I figured the best way to start is to stitch some on background fabric since its mostly straight lines and corners. So far so good. Reminds me of hand stitching binding on a quilt. The scary parr for me is graduating to shapes with curves and such. But the applique on your blog is inspiring me to get there. Not getting any younger.
