
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lucy Boston Class is in Session

Hello Everyone,
It was a busy, yet fun weekend full of teaching for me.  Sunday, I taught Lucy Boston at In Between Stitches.  I absolutely love selecting the fabrics and making these blocks.  Each and every block is like a mini-quilt.  The process is slow, but the rewards are huge.  This is my nighttime/TV job.  Very relaxing, and I feel as though I'm engaging my brain in something productive.

The girls began by using a bi-fold mirror to see how the center sections would look clustered together.

They then traced around an acrylic template.

They used just a spot of glue to secure the paper template to the back of the fabric and got ready to do some stitching.  They didn't stitch through the paper, they only took small basting stitches in each corner.

I made layout sheets so they could lay their prepared pieces out in order.

Then the blocks started to be born.....always exciting to see the process!



If you are thinking about starting a Lucy Boston quilt, I highly recommend the Lucy Boston Patches of the Crosses book.  It is very informative and gives you a lot of good information and design layouts.  If you use Pinterest, do a Lucy Boston search, and you will be amazed at the amount and variety of Lucy Boston blocks.  My Lucy Boston board in Pinterest is located HERE.  I hope this link works for you.

Another great day in the classroom.  The girls were so much fun and did such a good job on their designs.  It is always so rewarding to be in a class full of quilters.  I love to watch and be part of the process and see the outcome.



  1. Great post, Lynn, and timely, too! I have just fallen "prey" to LB, and I swore I wouldn't. It's those beautiful end results that eventually got to me. I will hurry over to check out your Pinterest board.

  2. Your gals are quick learners, Lynn! Lucy Boston is probably trying to reach out from wherever she rests at this very moment to compliment each and every one!

  3. Fussy cutting and working with templates is so much fun! Love seeing class pictures.
