
Monday, July 20, 2015

The Happenings

Hello Everyone,
Whenever a box arrives from Marcus Fabrics......everything in my world stops while I savor every moment of the unveiling.  Georgetown by Judie Rothermel and Ties That Bind by Deirdre Bond-Abel arrived last week.

I've been so anxious to see the Georgetown fabrics.  They are even better in person.

I'm going to start on a Christmas quilt soon.  It's never too early to start!

Ties That Bind is a debut fabric line from Hat Creek Quilts.  I think a field trip to Tasmania is in order after looking at Deirdre's website.  We can stay at Grandma's House during our visit.  Let's pack our bags, I'm ready to go now and enjoy those views off the verandah.

Enough day dreaming.  I need to finish up the final rows for Lil' Orphan Scrappy.

But not until I finish all of my preparations for my taping tomorrow for The Quilt Show.  Soon there will be a link to this button, and you can see me again on TQS, and learn all about Patchwork Math.  It is going to be a mini-workshop.  So get your calculators, pencils, and scratch paper ready.  I'll let you know when to start making the popcorn for the show.




  1. OOOO - fantastic fabrics!! Have fun with those.

  2. Love the fabrics and can't wait to see what you do with them.

    Looking forward to seeing your session.

  3. Good luck with your taping, Lynn! I hope it all goes very smoothly.

  4. are going to be very busy....beautiful fabric....
