
Friday, July 10, 2015

The Sweat Shop is Open for Business

Hello Everyone,
We have a guest blogger this morning, my sister Gail.  It seems that her younger sister (that would be me) has bitten off more than she could chew and had to call in the cavalry.  She drove up on her trusty silver steed packed to the gills with sewing machine and supplies to rescue her sister.
I cannot confirm nor deny what she is about to write.  This is totally her perspective of the sewing conditions at the sweat shop. Do not believe the bit about sewing for 12 hours straight. She thinks she getting paid overtime......right! I have not fed her porridge this trip, and she has not had any cookies (for those of you keeping track.)  So here goes, remember to believe only about half of what she writes.  There are two sides to every story. 
Good Morning Everyone...Gail here as I have guest blogger status once again as the dueling Berninas are humming away as "Sweat Shop Central" reopens at the cabin with the goal of getting Lil' Orphan Scrappy all put together using only Marcus Fabrics.

 Breakfast was a very quick affair yesterday out on the deck in what felt like sub arctic temps.  No porridge this time around, just toast and cereal.  You may be wondering why we don't eat on the dining room table.  Well, that is piled high with quilting stuff and rather than move everything we would rather brave the elements in the refreshing outdoors!  Lynn told me to pretend I was camping, just like on one of our camping adventures together when my roll-on deodorant froze!  Today we may need the umbrellas while we eat!  But remember, this is drought stricken California so we won't complain about any raindrops!

I am in charge of putting the remaining blocks together while Lynn sews on the connecting triangles and sews the rows together.  When I arrived Lynn said there were only 8 blocks left to do.  Well, somehow that 8 multiplied into 18 and our 8 hour day was more like 12 and I had to do it all without any cookies!

We had a little "oopsy" last night as little Miss Mazey got a hold of one of our rows and decided to run around the room, shaking it in her teeth.  Lynn and I finally cornered her and grabbed it away from her but not before she did a little damage.  Fortunately, the tear was in the seam!

Well, breakfast is calling my name as well as those other remaining blocks I have left to do.  Maybe if I get my 6 blocks done, there will be a cookie in my future?  Enjoy your day everyone!
Take care,
Gail and Lynn


  1. It is all very funny, but I'm sure you girls will get it finished.....I love the fabric.....and not only did it rain yesterday it snowed on the passes.....and it is freezing.

  2. What a picture your words paint - both of you!!!
    I can hear the laughter and echoes of shouts to Mazey from here!!!

  3. I just picked up several FQ bundles of Marcus in a Hancocks sale (70% off no less) - I wish I was there sewing along. Glad to hear you a getting some rain - cold, not so good.

  4. I bet you are having fun together. When our dog was about Mazey's age, he realized the importance of the TV remote control would grab it in his mouth and run around with it to get our attention.

  5. Hilarious doings at the cabin in the woods! Yes, the weather has taken a huge turn for the colder, but alas, you have your priorities in line and are not disturbing your sweat shop for dining! When do you rest?

  6. Hay Gail, no porridge, no cookies and your deodorant freezing? I suppose that means you're getting a "black bag" dinner as well? So far I believe Mazey scooting away with a block, and am anxious to hear the "other side of the story"!

  7. P.S. I see you have a very cute, plaid scissor holder :>)

    1. Don't I though! Wonder where that came from? It got lots of use these past 3 days!

  8. No cookies?? No fair!

    heh.. I've never had my deodorant freeze, but my hair froze once.
