
Monday, February 15, 2016

Walk in the Park in My Sunday Best

Good Morning All,
Back by popular demand, "Sweat Shop Central" is back in business.  Those dueling Berninas are humming away once again!  Guest blogger Gail here this morning with a commentary of our weekend.  Here I am having to bail out my sister who has bitten off more than she can chew.  She has 3 quilts to make by May!  The first of which is "Walk In the Park" by Kim Diehl.  She will be teaching this class at In Between Stitches in less than 2 weeks.


The goal was to make only 9 more blocks to complete this quilt.  Now how hard can that be in a day and a half?  The block looked really easy compared to some of Lynn's blocks, like Country Charmer that has 53 pieces!  Well Saturday I accomplished the sum total of 2 blocks.  And I screwed up on my first block!  Of course, "the boss" had to find my mistake, resulting in the denial of my afternoon cookie break.  Screw the cookie, let's go straight to the wine.  I brought the wine, so she can't say no.  I quickly decided I was in trouble and I would have to ask for help from "the boss", even if it meant the end of those delicious cookies that I have become so fond of.

I think "the boss" decided I needed a little motivation, so Sunday morning we started the day with these wonderful scones.  Sunday was a marathon quilting session!  We were at those Berninas before 6:00 A.M. coffee in hand.

We slaved away all day.  It was almost dinner time.  I was down to my last seam on block #9 when Lynn yelled out "two minute warning".  The pressure was on.  I flew through that last seam and made it to the dinner table just in time for the toast to a job well done!  However, the pressure must have been too much, as I snored my way through my favorite show, Madam Secretary!

On a serious note, as many of you know who follow Lynn's blog, I lost my husband a month ago.  I am doing remarkably well thanks to my incredible family and friends who have expressed their sympathy and support in countless ways these past weeks.  Thanks to all of you who have sent me messages through Lynn's blog, e-mails, cards, gifts and texts.  The outpouring of support has touched me greatly!  A special thank you to my sister who has been there for me every step of the way!  I could not travel this journey without you!  It's weekends like this that make me realize that life can be good again, when I can laugh and enjoy quilting with my best friend!  Now, about those other two quilts...

Until Sweat Shop Central Meets Again,


  1. Wonderful post, Gail. And family is the anchor to see us through life's stormy stretches. Glad you are doing so well. The quilt looks fantastic!

  2. Way to go Gail! You are a life affirming quilter. But 6 am? ARRGH

  3. OMG....Forget Thelma and's Ms. Abbott & Ms. Costello!!!!!! Acrobatics and creative license at their best - er worst???? Can't wait for the next script.
    (And Gail, I stared & stared at your "mistake" before I saw it!!)

  4. If you have to go for the wine in lieu of a cookie - I think your boss is working you way too hard! By the time that two minute warning came I would be handing my finished blocks to Mazey - lol! Seriously - I cannot find your mistake, either! I think it's time to re-negotiate your contract! More cookies!!! Glad to see your scissors leash is coming in handy! And I'm even happier that you're doing so well, Gail! Sisters and quilters are the best!

  5. I enjoyed your post Gail. Family and Sewing are the best therapy. Don't let Lynn eat all the cookies !!

  6. Hi Gail! You are a natural writer just like your sister. Love seeing the blocks and hearing the sewing stories. Thinking of you and so glad you're playing with fabric again.

  7. I am so glad that you've gotten away to the cabin. It's a place to re-energize ones self for sure! I'm having trouble feeling terribly sorry about your missed cookie break after seeing that yummy looking scone...and I do know you girls can cook! Suddenly having a craving for Hawaiian Sausages hot off the grill...hmm

  8. So wonderful to hear your delightful view on time spent sewing with your sister!! I'm so glad that she is there for you: what a blessing!! And she is blessed to have you as a wonderful sewing assistant when she puts herself in a pickle!! :-) CAn't wait to see you: I might have to bring you a cookie though! :-D Hugs, H....And give Lynn a hug from me!

  9. Gail, I'm so happy that you are sewing with Lynn - even if she is a bit tight with the cookies, it's great to have someone to laugh and play with :) The quilt you are working on is awesome!

  10. Good for you Gail!!!!! Have some cookies and wine for me! Keep up the good work! You will be fine.

  11. Thanks to all who commented about our entertaining weekend! It's always fun to hear from Lynn's fans!

  12. Oh girls! I stopped by the shop today while Leslie was stacking towers of the fabric for Lets Make a Diehl. What great prints and fabulous colors. So exciting. Don't worry Gail I will bring cookies.

  13. Yes, all very well Gail, but did you ever get your biccies (aka cookies). If not, let me know and I'll send you some.
