
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Two Finishes

Hello Everyone,
Just time for a quick post today to let you know I survived the Wine Country Quilt Show last weekend.  We got home late Sunday night, then off to work yesterday.  Today I'm playing catch-up in my office.  I'll do a complete post about the show tomorrow.....maybe.
Just wanted to show you two of the gorgeous quilts that came into the shop yesterday.  Ruth Ann finished her Madrigal quilt.  It is completely finished and beautifully machine quilted.

Marti just picked her Once Upon a Vine up from the quilter.  Love the circles with the bunches of grapes in them. 

Great work from both of you girls.  I love to see the finished product.  If anyone out there in Blogland makes and finishes one of my quilts, please email a picture to me at:  I love to see what you do with my patterns and I love to post your pictures.

Now I have to get back to this pile of paper that needs my attention!  So boring.




  1. Two more fabulous finishes! Good luck with your mountain of paperwork...I wonder if Mazey would work for biscuits?

  2. Such beautiful work!!!! I am hoping to make a couple of your quilts - would love to do them this year, may have to be a January 2017 quilt.
    I am sure you are glad to be home but not doing paperwork!

  3. Two beautiful quilts. Hope you're starting to see the beginning of the end of the paperwork. xx

  4. Love the finishes. And the quilting is beautiful. I thought you'd like to know I ordered the Heritage pattern and was stunned with how quick it came in the mail. Very happy about that.
