
Monday, August 6, 2018

Putzing Around

Hello Everyone,
Not too much going on here at Sew'n Wild Oaks.  A little of this and that, from applique to piecing, to paperwork.


I had some 1" strips left over from Grammy Squares, so I thought I would put them to work.  These little cuties will finish at 5-1/2".  This block is a great use of scraps and I know you all have at least a few 1" strips!

I seemed to have turned the corner with my bad knee.  Large amounts of ice and anti-inflammatory pills have made a difference.  Not to mention not walking my five miles each day.  Going from one end of the cabin to the other was about all I could manage for a few days.

My sister Gail arrived yesterday, and we are heading to the Pioneer Guild in Loomis, CA for a lecture tonight and a Patchwork Math workshop tomorrow.  I'm so glad I will be able to walk up to the podium without dragging my leg behind me. 

The critters have been out in force at night prowling around the cabin.  Mazey has been going ballistic at night.  She wakes up like a shot, jumps out of her bed, and sniffs the air while barking and growling from the deep depths of her lungs.  She runs to every open window and peers out into the darkness.  Wouldn't you know, the night she barked the most, the game camera was not outside.  She makes a good, early warning critter sensor.

As you've probably heard, California is burning up again.  As the crow flies, we are not far from Yosemite.  The smoke from that fire is so bad at times that our headlights will come on as we drive to town.  There are smaller fires all around us from 145 acres to 6,000 acres.  We always cringe when we hear sirens, then a small bit of relief when we hear the big borade bombers dropping fire retardant. The fire fighters are doing a tremendous job and we appreciate them.  Higher temperatures in the triple digits are predicted for the week ahead.  The fires and the heat are relentless.  Keep all of those in harms way in your thoughts.  We need all the help we can get.



  1. Those blocks (with some extra 1/2 blocks between) would make some pretty window valances! Just thought of that being as you had them up over the window of your cabinet. Praying the fires keep their distance from you and your cabin. Stay safe!

  2. I love those little blocks! All those leftover strips hanging on my strip n sew from Mr. Joe are calling! I wonder if keeping your balance on the ship had something to do with your knee? My hip went out as soon as we got home and is just now feeling better. I look at it as more sewing time! Glad you’re on the mend! Mazey should be hooked up to the local bear patrol as their official warning system!
    Fingers crossed the fires stay away!

  3. Love you Lynn: the fires are here way to early this year!! We have a few north of us (ukiah and Shasta) that have made the air cloudy, but not as cloudy as your air> The firefighters and those in harms way are in my prayers every day. Have a safe and fun trip to, and in Loomis. Hug Gail for me!!! Love you both!!

  4. So very sorry about the fires. Take care.
