
Thursday, November 29, 2018

You've Got Mail

Hello Everyone,
My little post office box has never been so full!  Your donations to my fundraiser for Paradise are pouring in.  Both my heart and my post office box runneth over.

Every name, dollar amount, email, or address has been entered into a spreadsheet.  I've assigned numbers to all of the donations and I've contacted most of you.  I still have some more to do.  The day after Thanksgiving, I sat at our dining room table surrounded by family, and we opened envelopes.  Checks, prayers, and personal stories were inside each envelope.  During the "opening" there were cheers, applause, gasps, and happy tears. 

The personal stories have been so touching.  Many of the envelopes came from areas of the state already ravaged by fire.  Some of the people who donated, had lost everything in the Santa Rosa fire or the fire in Redding......and they are donating to help Paradise.

I'm also amazed at how many people have a connection to Paradise and have traveled to the town, visited there as a child with grandparents, lived there, or have relatives who also lost their homes.

Many times over the past week I've been reduced to tears.  I try to read aloud to Mr. Joe, and my voice cracks, and the water works start to flow.  I'm a witness to the generosity of the quilting community as you reach out to help those who are hurting and in great need.  You are the BEST!

In between processing donations and sending out checks, I've been preparing for my week of teaching. I hit the road today and head over to The Quail's Nest in Sonora to teach Scrappy Maple Leaves.  This is one of my favorite classes to teach.

Saturday, I'll be at In Between Stitches in Livermore to teach Row-Mancing Alaska. Saturday night Livermore has a big Christmas parade, so I will be bundled up and watching my three grand daughters on the FFA float.  Hopefully the rain will stop long enough for the parade.

Sunday, I'm teaching Country Sampler at Ladybug's in Manteca.  This is also a fun class to teach.  There will be many ah-ha moments in class.

I get to spend next Monday and Tuesday at In Between Stitches with my Sew'n Wild Oaks girls.  This is always a fun time for me.

Mr. Joe and Mazey will be staying at the cabin while I'm on the road for a couple of different reasons.  #1, he wants to keep the driveway cleared of snow so I can get back home next week on Wednesday.  The second reason is that he has always wanted to be snowed in for a few days with his favorite blond....a furry, four-legged Golden Retriever who loves to play outside in the snow!



  1. That is sweet news that you are receiving such a wonderful response to your efforts. It will be great to hear that people are helped and comforted.

  2. I'm so thrilled at the responses! Keep those cards and letters coming!
