
Monday, April 1, 2019

Golden Valley Quilt Guild

Hello Everyone,
I just returned home from three days in Citrus Heights, CA.  I spent two of the days with the wonderful quilters from the Golden Valley Quilt Guild.

I gave a lecture Thursday night and a workshop on Saturday.

My sister Gail and I are teaching quilters Patchwork Math one quilter at a time up and down the state.  This group was so much fun!  Here is a snapshot of their components which they made during the workshop.

Note that all of the writing in all going in the same direction!  It was like putting a puzzle together.

The time spent with quilters is so much fun for us.  Quilters are the best.

The quilters get extra credit in class when they choose to work with stripes and get then to line up!  This is one of the lessons that I teach.

The facility was the perfect venue for a lecture and workshop.

Check back tomorrow to see what Gail and I did on Friday, the day between the two events. 
Today Mr. Joe and I start in doing some serious yard cleaning.  The snow has finally melted and we can see a huge amount of pine needles on our lots.  For good reason, the requirements for yard clearing this year are very strict in light of the Paradise fire.  We walked our two lots yesterday and viewed the huge job we have ahead of us.  We decided to spend a minimum of 2-3 hours a day and start tackling this job.  Anymore than 3 hours and we can't move the next day!  I have to be able to run a sewing machine....priority #1.


  1. Great work, everyone! And inquiring minds want to know about the "free day" you had before heading back to the mountain for that yard cleaning!!

    1. Our free day included a lot of retail therapy and quilting!

  2. Glad to hear you and Mr. Joe set realistic priorities! Lol! Great job with those ladies, Lynn. Looks like they caught on easy-peasy!

    1. The quilters were great Susie. Yes, our priorities are realistic for the first hour.....then we poop out.
