
Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Mailman Arrived

Hello Everyone,
Here is my $10 garage sale find.....complete with Rocking Chair Lodge.  Just perfect as a decoration at the cabin......complete with rust.

The woman that I bought it from wondered what in the world would I do with an old mailbox?  Well, display a quilt coming out of it of course!

I have the new (old) mailbox on display right next to two bricks.  The bricks are all that remains from our house that was destroyed in the Camp Fire in Paradise.  It is a sad reminder to so many happy years spent in our family home.  You can see that one of the bricks looks brand new, the other one is scorched.

I'm still getting ready for company. I'll be moving quilts around and taking more pictures.

Have a great weekend.



  1. Was reading your post with all the wonderful images and then got to the part with the 2 poignant that is - yes, countless material things lost but hopefully you will carry the memories of life lived there and it will bring you much comfort ahead. Love your mailbox and the quilt spilling out of it - we should all have a delivery like that! Hmmm...I have our first mailbox set aside...ideas!

  2. So neat! AND somehow I missed the fact that your home was destroyed in the fire. I know that your son was living there! This is horrible!

    The mailbox looks just like it belongs there to showcase your beautiful work!

    Have a good weekend and time with company!

  3. Clever re-purpose of the mail box. I love your quilts.

  4. Love the vignette you created with your new mailbox. It looks so inviting! HUGS... and stitches

  5. SO SORRY for the loss of your home in that fire. BUT so GLAD you have what looks like a beautiful log home now! Love it! Your quilts look so good!

  6. Oh wow those quilts look just perfect in that cabin!

  7. The highlight of my day is reading your blog... you inspire me! I love your creativity. Your quilts are beautiful. How are the grandkids doing showing animals at the fair? I think of them often.
