
Saturday, August 24, 2019

Final Retreat Preparations

Hello Everyone,
Well it's now down to the wire.  The 35 retreaters will start arriving tomorrow to the small mountain community of Arnold.  My new Piney Woods pillow pattern is going to be a great reminder of our time spent together in the mountains.
We will all enjoy four days of non-stop quilting, laughing, chatting, and eating.  Some of the girls may decide to make a Piney Woods Pillow from one of the kits.

The kits for the retreat projects are packed and ready to be opened just like a shiny package on Christmas morning.

I may just have to keep one of these fat 1/8th bundles for myself!  I have a lot of these squirreled away.

My printer has been working non-stop making assorted boxes of note cards.  This is my shameless self promotion on my quilts designs.

We will hit the ground running at 9am Monday morning.  The sewing machines will start churning away, and the making of new friendships will begin. 

UPDATES On life:

Thank you for your concerns for Mr. Joe.  He is now puttering around the cabin and he thinks he will survive.  All threats for my placing him in a full body cast have now been cancelled.

I've had to let go of the idea of stacking the fire wood.  When it comes down to just doesn't matter.

A bear cub was outside the other night calling to mama.  It sounded just like a little baby crying wait for me mom!

My sister Gail had another surgery for her breast cancer on Thursday.  This time the surgeon didn't let her off of the operating table until they made sure the margins were clear. Our cousin is with her since I couldn't be there.  Gail is doing great, and plans on arriving at the cabin tomorrow. She will be at the retreat with bear bells on!


P.S. I will place all of the leftover kits and bundles from my retreats and my show in my Etsy shop the beginning of November. 


  1. I am so happy Mr Joe will be on the mend and especially that Gail will be able to attend the retreat. You have had a very stressful month. Remember to take time for you and de-stress!

  2. Such happy news. Have a great time at retreat. I sure hope your guests leave a few things for those of us that couldn't make it! Lol!

  3. AH, a deep breath, exhale, and yes, you will make it through this without murdering anybody. Have a great time, and love and hugs to Mr. Joe, and Gail!
