
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sew'n Wild Oaks Retreat Preparations

Hello Everyone,
So here's what I've been doing over the past few days......kits, kits, and more kits for my retreats, and next show.  I have kits ready for my Country Bumpkin table topper.

Lot's of kits.  This is something I will be teaching at the retreat next week.

I have over 150 little kits for Lucy Boston blocks for the class next week at the retreat and my next show.

Here are just some of the blocks I have ready.

150 kits to be exact!

Along with all of the retreat preparations, my dear husband (and I use that term loosely) decided to re-surface the island in the kitchen.  Keep in mind he's been talking about doing this for YEARS!  Since 2004 to be exact.

Off came the old tiles.  What a mess!

On with the slab-o-tree.  He has been sanding, sanding, and sanding some more on this giant of a tree.  You should have seen the circus of us getting this 250-300 pound tree down the hill from the garage into the cabin.  I'm sure the squirrels and bears were laughing at us.

This is blue pine which matches all of the doors in the cabin. It does look gorgeous and really makes a statement in the great room.  Now I'm afraid to use it.  Be assured I will not be using this island as a cutting table ever again.

What is it with men????  A few years ago we almost became stars on Divorce Court.  I was in the middle of preparations for a wedding shower at the city house when Mr. Joe hired a contractor to remove ALL of the popcorn ceilings in the entire house.  All of the plastic was removed from the walls the DAY BEFORE THE SHOWER!!!  No stress, not one little bit.
We've survived the latest home improvement.....barely.  Now yesterday, he decided to order two cords of wood because he wants to be prepared for winter. The acorns are falling and the squirrels are making mincemeat of the pinecones. Early winter maybe?  BUT, the wood is being delivered today! Do you know how long that is going to take us to stack???  So, my dear quilt retreaters, Mr. Joe thinks it will be a great idea to go on a field trip to the cabin next week, and stack wood.  If everyone carried five pieces of wood down the hill, we would be way ahead of the game.  MEN!
Soon.....maybe.....if I'm not in jail for murder,


  1. Funny! But so true. A friend's husband decided to varnish the hardwood floor on the first-floor hallway about 2 hours before the baby shower guests were to arrive. As the floor was still wet, they have to put tape up and steer all the guests through the house in a roundabout way.

  2. Well, in his defense it does sound like a good idea! Wink. I love the new counter top. My sister has White Pine slab counter tops and they have survived very well over the last 48 years of daily use. Have a ball at retreat!

  3. It's even more stunning in place Lynn! So glad you restrained yourself...!LOL!

  4. Your slab o' wood countertop is gorgeous!
    No comment on the "thinking" of men ... 😜🙄😄

  5. Men work on their own time schedule.
    Love your beautiful blocks.

  6. I'll help carry some wood! See you with my long sleeves on Sunday!! Hugs, H

  7. I can SO identify with your comments about men! Their brain works so differently than ours, and the time it takes for something to come to fruition can nearly be F-O-R-E-V-E-R!
