
Monday, January 9, 2023

Time to Build an Ark

Hello Everyone,

As I write this post, I'm listening to torrential rain assaulting the cabin now, and throughout last night, and the night before, and so on and so on. Our governor has declared a state of emergency in California as the rain keeps coming and coming.  I was supposed to teach a class at my guild today, but it was cancelled and rescheduled for later on this month.....if the atmospheric river, and bomb cyclones ever stop.  We are supposed to get rain and snow tomorrow.

Last week, a tree company came by and removed some trees which had been re-tagged by Pacific Gas & Electric as a potential risk to the power lines.  After the windy conditions, we were glad they were toppled. Now we have a mess outside, but free firewood for next year.  I think our grandsons are going to busy for quite a while.

We have two large drainage pipes empty into our lot.  Remember this picture of a bear sleeping in one This drainage pipe was belching water from every gutter on our entire street!  Had a bear decided to curl up for a nap, it would have ended up in the Pacific Ocean!

Mr. Joe went outside to do some water reclamation work on the streams.  During the height of the storm on New Year's Eve, the water was close to the deck pilings.  The river of silver is the water coming out of one of the pipes.  Trees were taken down in this area too.

The sun peeked out between the clouds yesterday, so we took Mazey out for a walk.  The lake by us has been drained to make way for more water.  Those of you who come to my retreats are very familiar with the lake.  It doesn't look anything like it used to.

The only good thing about the weather is that it is great for quilting!  I've been working hard on my new block of the month for Marcus Fabrics.  It's coming along, but I have a long way to go to completion.  I've been told that I can share pictures of the quilt and fabric in February.  I hope so!  I don't want you to think I've been bone idle!





  1. Where did the water from your lake go? I hope you have enough rain to fill yours back up again. We always hear about the California fires in the Summer/Fall. Glad you have a project to work on while holed up due to the rains. Hope you dry out soon ... and not with snow!

    1. The lake is drained into a stream which parallels the golf course. If it wasn't drained, it would most likely breach the dam, and then there would be major problems.

  2. Stay safe and looks like you'll have lots of firewood!. I know we need the rain but has =it ever heard of moderation!

    1. I don't think an atmospheric river can put a throttle on the sozzle! It looks like we are going to get over a foot of snow next week. The forecast can change a lot between now and then.

  3. You, idle? Never☺️ How nice the power company is looking out for your community, Lynn! Stay safe!

    1. I was rudely awakened by a tornado warning on my phone this morning at 3:30am. That was surprising! The tornado is in my county but not in my area.

  4. My niece got the same warning and she lives in Modesto!

  5. Coucou Lynn,
    J’aime vraiment ton blog et je souhaite tellement ne pas rater tes articles mais malheureusement je ne les reçois toujours pas. Je ne comprends pas que depuis le nombre d’années que je te suis tout d’un coup Blogger ne veut plus de moi alors que je suis inscrite sur d’autres blogs via Blogger et que je reçois toujours la notification de nouvel article.
    Pourquoi ?
    Monique D. ou
    Merci de ta reponse

    1. Il y a environ un an, Blogger a supprimé son « widget » de notification par e-mail. Je ne connais pas assez l’informatique pour écrire mon propre code et l’ajouter à mon blog. Je suppose que vous devrez simplement vous rappeler de le vérifier de temps en temps lorsque vous y penserez. Je suis désolée, Monique.
