
Friday, March 7, 2025

Stardance Update

Hello Everyone,

In between working on paperwork, and shipping Gentry's Mill BOM patterns, I've been working on Stardance.  This is one of my favorite blocks. 

The blocks are all made, and the pattern writing is coming along nicely.  As time permits, I disappear into my sewing room, even if only an hour or two, and I work on this quilt.  The little white notes are the block numbers.  There are 10 different colorways of the star blocks, and the courthouse steps blocks. 

It's a crisp 32 degrees this morning and the snow on the ground is now an ice-skating rink.  We really have to watch our step when we venture outside.

We are preparing for the biggest snowstorm of the season arriving next week.  We have to make sure all of the 5-gallon propane are full so we can keep the generator running just in case we lose power.  We have a freezer full of food, but we need to get to the store to stock up on fruit and vegetables.....and coffee beans!  I can't do without my morning latte!  We need to bring firewood down to the cabin and stack it on the front porch, so we don't have to venture out too often.  We know the drill to get ready for a storm.

Originally, Weather Underground said we were going to get 18" of snow next it's down to 9".  It could change over the next few days.

You can bet that I'll be in my sewing room, quilting up a storm. 



  1. Yep We’re getting ready too Good reason to stay in and quilt Linda b

    1. This coming storm has the earmarks of several days of snow, snow and more snow. You stay coy too, Linda.

  2. This quilt is truly amazing, Lynn! I'm glad you and Joe know the ropes to prepare for the storm and enjoy the benefits of being warm and cozy and (for you) being able to quilt, quilt, quilt!

    1. I love a good storm as long as we don't have to get out of the cabin and drive in it. I have plenty of projects to keep me busy!

  3. I absolutely love this quilt. And those courthouse step blocks are spectacular. Terry H.
