
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The frost is on the pumpkin

Good Morning Blossom of Friendship Followers,

If I had a pumpkin up here at the cabin, the frost would have been on it this morning! But if I had a pumpkin at the cabin, the bears would have eaten it by now. So here is a ceramic pumpkin from my sister's wedding last weekend at our home.

My daughter took all of these pictures for me while I was greeting guests, taking care of the loose ends prior to the ceremony and fishing Zinny out of the pool! Our sweet little terror (not terrior) decided to swim a few laps before being the "bling bearer". It wasn't too bad until she got out and shook herself all over me and a few others. Oh well, it added a bit of excitement to the day.

Fall weddings are wonderful for decorating. The weather was absolutely fantastic. We couldn't have asked for a prettier day. After the torrential rains we'd had earlier in the week, I was getting a bit nervous.

Three weddings for our family in five months has pretty much sent me over the brink! Our son was married in Hawaii in May. Our daughter was married at Lake Tahoe in August. Last but not least was my sister's turn last weekend. Here is my sister Gail, with her new husband Bill.

Now it is time to get back to my quilting passion. I feel free for the first time in months! But then, it's also time to get ready for those pesky Holidays!

Hope all of you have a wonderful week. Check back soon for my first giveaway on my blog site.

As always,


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, back to quilting with a break for some Trick or Treating tonight!
