
Friday, September 17, 2010

Autumn In The Air

Hello Everyone,

There is a hint of Autumn in the air up here at the cabin. So much of a hint that I felt like decorating the cabin for the season. Last year the Scrappy Leaves quilt was hanging in the shop for several months. This year, it is hanging at the cabin for the enjoyment of the squirrels, raccoons, and bears!

Our friends and fellow quilter Glenda and her husband Ken joined us for dinner last night. This was their first visit to the cabin so the welcome sign and mat were rolled out for them.
Quilting in the ditch is my least favorite stitch to quilt, but sometimes you just can't escape it.

The swirls represent the wind tossing the leaves about.

The borders took a fair bit of time to complete. But overall, it was a fun quilt to make and I love working with batiks.

During my incarceration, I mean recuperation, I've been working on the setting triangles for Summer's Blush. I only have five more hexagons flowers to make and I'm DONE! This has been rather "mindless" work....but at this point in time, "mindless" is a good thing for me.

I've been whip stitching the flowers together in groups of three, then I applique them on the setting and corner triangles.
I love, love, love all of the little checked fabric.

I actually sat down at the sewing machine today, for the first time in a couple of weeks, and sewed some rows together. It feels so good to feel so good!!

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope to see some of my "quilty" friends at the quilt show in Sonora this weekend.

As always,

1 comment:

  1. I love your scrappy leaf quilt. I still want to make it. I certainly have enough batiks. Have fun at the quilt show today. Happy to hear you and Glenda got together.
