
Thursday, January 20, 2011

.....and the winner is.......

Hello Everyone,

I know you've been waiting on pins and quilting needles to find out the lucky winner of The Wilder Family Cookbook.  Let me set the stage.  Twenty-nine Milk Bone doggie treats were selected from the doggie cookie jar and numbered 1 thru 29.

Our highly intelligent, well-trained, almost 2-year-old Golden Retriever, Zinny, posed for her modeling moment on camera.  She thought she had died and gone to doggie heaven when she saw so many treats before her. She is showing marvelous restraint here people!
She thoughtfully contemplated who the lucky winner would be.

She even meditated a bit to determine who the lucky winner should be.

After much prompting to get up and get a cookie, she ambled over and selected........drum roll......

#23!!  JULIE....who said,   "I'd love to win the cookbook - the recipes you've offered us on the blog all read so tasty! I admit that I purchased all the ingredients to make the raspberry cookies (can't recall the name just now) but ran out of time. Besides my sewing room, I guess my kitchen is my next favorite place in the house! Thanks for your generosity! Julie

Some of you tried to bribe Zinny with Kibble and I'm actually surprised it didn't work.  She's a real pushover.  So Julie, send me an email to  with your address and I'll get the cookbook in the mail to you this week. 

There are no losers here!  If anyone is interested in receiving the recipes in a .pdf format, send me an email and I'll email them to you.  I'm sorry that you all can't receive the Recipe Keeper, but there will be another giveaway later on this year.  Thank you all for commenting.  It was great fun.

As always,


P.S. Julie, Zinny's 2nd birthday is this the party going to be at your house and is everyone invited?


  1. Congrats to Julie!! Lucky girl! Your "random number generator" is the cutest one ever!! Too funny! I'd love the recipes Lynn!! It it's not too much trouble. You are too generous! Thank you!

  2. I would love a pdf of your family recipes Lynn! What a treasure! Congratulations to Julie.

  3. Congratulations, Julie! Zinny is just the cutest, and yes, most intelligent winner picker ever!! Miss Sophie, Mr. Squash and I would love to host her birthday party and we would bribe her any old time (wink)!

  4. Congratulations Julie! I am so jealous. When's dinner?

  5. I would love to have the Pdf file. Thanks Lynn for having the contest.
