
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Summers Blush Class is in Session

Hello Everyone,

Tuesday was a class day for me at the shop. It was the first class meeting for my Summers Blush design.  The classroom was decorated with blocks by the end of the session.  What a fun day for me to be with this group of talented, organized and fun women. 

Lisa was all prepared with her Fig Tree Designs fabric with her selections for sashings, flanges, inner and outer borders.  Lisa concentrated on cutting her whole quilt out so she could do some major power sewing before our next session.  She takes her homework assignments very seriously!

Jean selected the sweet Lily and Will fabric line from Bunny Hill.

By the end of the day she had blocks and pinwheels spinning in her work area.  This combination was so delicate and sweet.

Ann had a tower of Wild Rose by Blackbird Designs and also added some additional yardage complimenting the line.  Wild Rose is one of my favorite fabric lines and I can't wait to see her finished quilt.

Peggy was so organized and matched her combinations for pinwheels and flying geese ahead of time.  I was impressed! 

Peggy selected blacks for her sashings and border which will really make these blocks pop!

Nancy was so prepared and had all of her pieces cut out before class.  She got the prize for putting the first block up on the wall.  This smart lady shopped in her own stash and organized beautiful combinations of pastels.

Colleen selected French General fabric and had most of her pieces all cut prior to class.  She was so organized with her baggies full of squares and she completed so many pinwheels yesterday that she is well on her way to having many of her blocks done soon.

Marsha set up her cute little Featherweight and started making pinwheels.

She selected Buttercup by Fig Tree.  Marsha looked around the shop and picked out this warm, brown and white polka dot for her background.  The combination was so pleasing and different!  I loved the contrast with the darker background.

We meet again the middle of March, so check back to see the progress on these quilts.  I will be so excited to see what these creative women will be putting up on the design wall.  The classroom will be all decked out in quilted splendor!

Thank you all for such a great day!

As always,



  1. Looks like everyone has a good start. I love how different they are all going to look based on their fabric selections. They are all going to be so pretty!

  2. I love the enthusiasm of your students. They were really energized and ready to go. Lots of nice varieties of color.

  3. Now that's a very productive day, Lynn! Each finished quilt will be so unique!

  4. I'm always amazed at how different the same design can look when people do use their own favourite fabric combinations.
