
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things to Come........

Hello Everyone,

Here are a couple of pictures of a new applique design.  I planned to work on Toyland Tree at the cabin this week, but plans changed when Mr. Joe became sick with an upper respiratory "thing" on Tuesday. The poor man spent his week in rotation from the couch to the recliner.

Since all of the Toyland Tree fabric is at the cabin, I had to make an executive decision to work on something else I designed about a year ago.  It's time to roll out some flowers for this incredible spring-like weather we are having in California.

Of course my signature "flange" made it in to this design!   Already I have wonderful ideas for machine quilting in mind.  The Antique Fair collection by Blackbird Designs, has the BEST five little check fabrics that are perfect for flanges. 


Quilters ask me all the time how much fabric I buy.   When it comes to perfect flange material, I buy 1 - 2 yards just to have it in my SABLE (Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy).

Another reason to work on an applique quilt is the fact that I have jury duty next week and I want to take some hand sewing with me along with my yo yo's.  But, maybe if I just sit in the jury selection room making yo yo's, the powers that be will think I'm crazy and I'll be excused!  I'll let you know if that works....or not.

I have been on two juries in my life.  The first was armed robbery and the second was a murder trial.    Sitting in an uncomfortable chair for weeks at a time, processing reams of testimony, is an incredibly draining experience. So, off I go Monday morning to do my civic duty and make yo yo's!

As always,



  1. I love what you're working on, Lynn! I don't think I've ever seen an appliqued flower like the one in the first photo - almost like applique and origami combined! I hope Mr. Joe feels better soon! Not envying your jury duty - good plan, though - lol!

  2. A new definition for SABLE...I love it. Never have ha to do jury duty...great idea to make yo yo's. Hugs

  3. Love your SABLE definition, and I love your flanges. Such a beautiful, unexpected touch. The bouquet you are appliqueing is gorgeous. I love the colors you have chosen. I hope we get to see the finished quilt. Hope Mr. Joe feels better soon. Being an asthmatic, I know all about those chest "things" and they are no fun!

  4. Those tulips are terrific! Heh, I don't really know whether they're tulips, but they're flowers and they're beautiful. We too are experiencing more spring-like weather in Canada this week, but we're a little away from bulbs poking through. You have achieved a wonderful 3-D look with your bouquet. Thank you for sharing your design process with us.
