
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick post this morning to show you the borders on Buttonwood.  I'll most likely quilt a feather and cable design on the tone on tone brown in the border.  I'm still trying to decide what to quilt in the baskets.  An idea will come to me when I least expect it.

For those of you that live locally, Mr. Joe and I will have a booth at Ruby Hill Winery tonight from 6:30pm to 9pm for the annual Sip and Shop.  This event kicks off the Holiday shopping season and should be lots of fun.  While I quilt, Mr. Joe is busy in his woodworking shop making items out of wine barrels.  From benches to dog beds to wine bars, he makes them out of wine barrels.  We call this dog bed a Bark-A-Lounger.  (Can you tell we have way too much time on our hands?)  We call the food bowl holder a Doggie Diner. 

The inside of the barrel was naturally stained by the red wine.  It is a beautiful shade that could never be replicated by any stain purchased at a hardware store.  Mr. Joe's workshop has a wonderful aroma of a winery.  No wonder he escapes to his shop for hours on end.  While I'm stippling....he's tippling.

As always,



  1. Well.....I guess Mr. Joe has a lot of artistic ability also. Very nice.....
    The Buttonwood quilt turned out beautiful....the blue basket fits in nicely.

  2. LOLOL - you two do have too much time on your hands! I wonder if the poochies get a bit of a buzz on from sniffing the inside of their beds!! Buttonwood is so rich and gorgeous, Lynn! I can't wait to see how you transform it even more with the quilting!

  3. It's all beautiful! Love the dog bed. Fantastic color!

  4. I always liked the blue block! Can't wait to see how you quilt Buttonwood. The dog bed is wonderful, such a great idea,any dog would be proud to curl up and doggy dream in it!

  5. Cute doggie bed and Buttonwood is gorgeous. Wonder how much stippling you could do if you were tippling too? :)

  6. There's my favorite - be still my heart. :-) It's beautiful.

  7. Beautiful quilt and beautiful dog bed too. Hope you had a good time at the tippling and stippling show!

  8. Thanks for the laugh - sad though my dogs are too big for the bark-a-lounger. Love the look of the wood. Beautiful quilt!
