
Monday, December 12, 2011

Machine Quilting Time

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday I made the backing for the yo-yo quilt and got it on the quilting machine.  I'll try to get out to the quilting room over the next few days and quilt a row or two a day.  All of the time will start adding up to a quilted quilt this week.....I hope.

I'm echoing around all of the yo-yo's and then move to the inside and quilt around the large yo-yo.  This quilt is very heavy and most likely I'll have it hanging up somewhere, so I want to make sure that it all stays in place.  I may, just may go back and stipple between the rows.  I'll make that decision when I take it off the machine and get to see and evaluate the whole quilt.

I'm off to the quilt shop this morning to work.  Quilters are starting to bring in finished projects for us to see. I can tell you there are going to be lots of quilted projects under Christmas trees this year and many happy recipients!

As always,



  1. Now that has to be a job rolling that smoothly onto your longarm, Lynn! Looks like you are a master at it - I see nothing but perfection! Can't wait to see it finished!

  2. Your quilt is looking lovely - can't wait to see it all finished.
