
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Buttonwood Americana

Hello Everyone,

I finished my last two baskets and border today and here she is....Miss Buttonwood Americana in all her glory.  It is going to be fun to have a summer quilt on display at the house or cabin after she's done earning her keep at In Between Stitches.

I put four kits together at the shop on Monday.  We think all of our kits at the shop have a high  cuteness factor.  We spend lots of time folding and refolding to get the kits to look just right.  We take pride in our packaging.  If you are interested in a kit, click HERE and you will be redirected to the shop's website.

Here's the original Buttonwood, bound and quilted with buttons.  Each quilt was fun to make since they each have their own distinct personality.

Now I need to make a pieced backing and it will be ready for the quilting machine.  I haven't decided how I'm going to quilt this one just yet....but I have a few ideas up my sleeve.

As always,



  1. Lynn, you managed cuteness without the saccharin overload. Amazing how each quilt has it's own personality with just a change in fabric. Great inspiration,I love that you show us different versions of the same pattern . As always"great job".

  2. Very is very summery.......

  3. Gorgeous! I can't figure out which one I like more, they are equally gorgeous!

  4. I bet they'll sell really quickly. They're lovely.

  5. Miss Buttonwood would be the pride of any county fair, Lynn! She reminds me of all those good things - apple pie, merry go rounds, corn dogs! I know your quilting will be fantastic!

  6. Love those quilts. Your talent is a real "gift". So inspiring.

  7. Hi Lynn... I just love the basket quilt... The colors you picked for your quilt is lovely... Hugs :)

  8. Your quilts are amazing....each one is just so gorgeous!

  9. Hello Lynn,

    Amazing what a difference the colours make to a quilt. I do love your yellow toned one so much. Have fun choosing your quilting patterns for it.

    Happy days.
