
Monday, May 14, 2012

Out and About & Around California

Hello Everyone,

We are still showing off our beautiful state of California to our visitors from Pennsylvania.  Yesterday we spent our Mother's Day at Calaveras Big Trees State Park, which is located just three miles up the road from our cabin.  The dogwood was blooming throughout the whole park.

Some of the trees are well over 250 ft tall.  Some of them are almost 3000 years old.

Their death gives rise to new trees and plants all around them by replenishing the soil with nutrients.

This was our day in church. We felt like we were standing in a cathedral of trees.

A hole was cut through this tree to promote tourism in the early 1900's.  Model T's were about the only vehicle that could squeak through the opening.

After Big Trees, we finished off our day at Lake Alpine and saw the lingering snow.

We are saving the best for we are packing a picnic lunch and heading to Yosemite.

As always,


1 comment:

  1. All these pictures have been beautiful! Your visitor may want to move away from Pennsylvania and relocate in our beautiful state.
