
Monday, July 23, 2012

Machine Quilting October Magic

Hello Everyone,

I was finally able to string enough days together to put October Magic on the machine and start quilting.

I love the little spider with the growing web.  I wasn't quite sure how far I was going to let the spider spin.  This seems just about as far as this spider is going to travel.

I wanted the little blocks to look like hex signs on a barn.  Not sure that I pulled that one off, but that was the intention.

I wanted the ghost to look like it was swaying in the breeze.  But, it looks like he's doing the backstroke in a pond.....and it is going to stay that way!

All quilting stopped when our youngest son and his family showed up for dip in the pool, which transitioned into a barbecue, and spur of the moment run to the store for a birthday cake and ice cream to celebrate his 36th birthday which is later on this week.  He celebrates the whole month of July.  I don't know how that got started, but on July 1st, the celebration begins.   Our daughter's birthday is also in July, so now the two party animals celebrate the whole month together. Last weekend, all three of the kids and their families went camping together to celebrate the July birthdays.

I'm off to the shop today to see what new quilting goodies arrived since I was there last week.  The fabric just keeps getting prettier and prettier.




  1. Your quilt and quilting is phenomenal! Your quilting is making the quilt jump off the page! Love the idea of clebrating birthdays for a month...oh the things we mamas do!

  2. WOW! You are such a wonderful quilter. You make it look so easy yet I know it is not.
    See you in October!

  3. Hi Lynn! i love your quilting comments...i have certain quilting intentions and then wonder if it all translates the way i hope it should. Your 'backstroke' looks great and i love the feathers! did you SID around the flying geese or just add background filler? Every inch you've quilted looks wonderful!!! Will you be at MQX in October??

  4. what fun quilting designs you are using. love the spider on the moon. cute.

  5. Hey, this is cool! Those geese really POP, love the "hex signs" and the waving ghost, and the spider with its web is particularly delightful. :D

  6. What fun this is, Lynn! I think the ghost is surrounded by smoke from the chimney - how's that for another interpretation! I'm waiting with baited breathe to see your final reveal! I love the idea of birthday celebrations all month long - definitely an excuse to party every day - lol!

  7. Your quilting is AMAZING ! Love the spider web and Ghost ! How CUTE !!!! Have fun at the shop today!

  8. Oh my I'm in complete AWE. When I grow up I want to be YOU. :-)

    I'm all for month long birthday celebrations. LOL

  9. Your quilting is wonderful! I really love the ghost coming out of the chimney and the way you have echoed the quilting around it.
    I'm glad we don't celebrate birthdays all month , in our family we have a birthday every month from April to November....then comes Christmas!! Sounds like a lot of fun though!

  10. I love your quilting, especially the spider web!

  11. Look who's making who laugh now! I was at work this morning when I read your "backstroke" line and then scrolled to the picture and laughed out loud! Good thing I sit next to my quilting buddy! Way Cute!

  12. Hello Lynn,

    Amazing quilting, love the touch of the spider.Lynn your spider has lost two of his legs.

    Happy days.

  13. I LOVE the quilting on this. The spider is brilliant and so is the ghost. I'm really looking forward to seeing the complete quilt.

  14. Your quilting is amazing - love the ghost!

  15. OMG!!!! I am just reeling from this quilt and your quilting. Were you naturally gifted to create this stunning piece of art?

  16. Your quilting and applique and designing skills are amazing. Love the spider web desing you incorporated.

    The entire piece must be amazing, I've not seen a whole picture of it yet, I'm new to your blog.

    1. This was a fun one to quilt Sandi. Thank you for commenting.

