
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

October Magic Pattern Giveaway

Hello Everyone,

October Magic is a wrap!  The quilt is hanging in the shop and the patterns are on the rack.  I'm so happy to have this one finished in time for Fall, and the beginning of the Holidays.  Fall to me is a wonderful gift of color. My gift to you is a pattern giveaway.

So here's the contest.  In the comment section, tell our 3 year-old Golden Retriever Zinnie, why she should pick your name to win this pattern.  She wants you to know that she will gladly accept bribes of Kibble, dates with potential male suitors, but absolutely no doggie sweaters! She has to draw the line somewhere. Extra points will be added for creativity.  If Mr. Joe, Zinnie, and I laugh out loud when we read your comment, you won't get extra points, but you will make our day.  

Here she is at one of her favorite lakes in the high Sierras called Elephant Rock Lake.  She plays here hour after hour.  Absolute dog heaven....people heaven too.

The contest begins now, August 7th and will close on Friday, August 10th at noon Pacific Standard Time.  Zinnie will draw a winning name and announce it on Saturday, August 11th.  Please leave me an email in your comment so I have a way to contact you.  If you are a 'no-reply' status, you are out of luck.  But wait there's can also enter by sending an email to and your response will be entered in the contest for a chance to win an October Magic pattern.

Good luck!


Lynn & Zinnie


  1. Hey Zinnie, I'm not good at applique, but could I perhaps win the finished quilt instead? It's absolutely gorgeous and the quilting is out of this world.

  2. We know the 'human' did not design that so I will say "What a wonderful October Magic pattern you barked up!" Must have been fun sinking your teeth into all that fabric to decide what to put where, (and the hairs probably helped with the color choices). Can't wait till your next barkation. (PICK ME, PICK ME, PICK ME!)

    1. Hi Lindi,
      Loved your comment! You are a 'no-reply' blogger and I can't respond directly to you. Please send your email address to and I'll enter your comment in the contest.
      Take care,

  3. Zinnie você é uma top model,linda.Distinta nessa paisagem de tirar o fô

  4. Dear Zinnie! Our humans are such silly women! My human says there is no such thing as too many pumpkin quilts & your human says her ghost is doing the backfloat...and then they named him Ryan...'cuz Ryan's the CUTE ONE!?!?!?! What are we? Chopped Doggie Kibble??? I suppose your human is keeping you up way too late at night watching this "Old-Limb-Pick" stuff on TV too...what's that about? I don't see any dogs there getting gold medals for fetching limbs or fastest treat grab or synchronized fetch or even Doggie Paddling...I just don't get it...and my dinner has been late almost every night! Well, at least I can curl up on her lap under the quilts that she's been putting binding on or finishing buttonhole stitching her yap-pliques. At least there's somepuppy else who understands what it's like, living with a quilter...getting loose threads in our curls! Your friend in doggie-blogging, Maecee

  5. OMG I want the quilt - it is stunning. The design, the fabrics, the quilting - a total package. These should fly out of your shop.

    Zinnie,while you are howling at the moon see if you can pull my name out of the hat.

    thanks for a chance and thanks for sharing.

  6. Another beautiful quilt ! Just in time to display at the quilt shows !

  7. OH Zinnie, you should give me the pattern. I love dogs more than most people and my dogs, Basett Hounds, Linus and Lucy would love to have a beautiful quilt pattern from a new friend, Zinnie. By the way, you are a beautiful dog, and I bet you are just as spoiled as mine are. Thanks for the oppotunity to win the pattern, I have been waiting for it to come out! Robin L.

  8. Sorry Zinnie, I forogt to leave me email address...., thanks again

  9. Darling Zinnie, Ms Cha Cha cat with grant you immunity - promising she will never slap your nose or hiss rudely at you. She also agrees to send her evil eye look at any cat who would dare do such a thing.

  10. Zinnie I'm sure you would love a visit to England to visit our two goldies - both girls so no male suitor!! but if you arrive soon you'll be in time to catch the last few days of the Olympics!

  11. Dearest Zinnie, Mr. Squash says if you would like to come for a visit at our Bed and Biscuit, he will not only make you his famous homemade kibble, but will offer you a free day at the Spaw and fix you up with Vern, the bachelor chocolate lab across the street. Vern is a real looker! With an offer like that, how could you not pick us to win October Magic!


  13. Dear Zinnie,

    Are you by chance donating any of your fur with the pattern? Your coloring is spectacular for this project - we quilters could sure find a creative way to incorporate it! ;D

  14. What, no dog on that quilt? What's up with that? Dogs do Halloween, don't they? It's not as if Lynn has a pet spider, is it? On second thought, the spider doesn't get taken to Elephant Rock Lake either, so maybe we'll let it go this time:-)

  15. Zinnie, pick me, pick me! I'll come to the lake and throw you a stick for hour upon hour, and then scratch behind your ears until you scream stop. Tell your Mom that October Magic is almost a pretty as you are.

  16. Good Day, Zinnie - Please pick me I'm working diligently on my quilting skills and this pattern would be perfect - as it has both piecing and applique work (and embroidery?) And of course I love "Magic" themes for the Fall! I'll bake some of my homemade pet treats (my girls love 'em) - just for you... Thank you, sweetie :)

    1. Dear Felicia,
      Please send your email address to so I can contact you if Zinnie selects your name.
      Take care,

  17. Hi Zinnie! I'll fetch your sticks for you...grin.

  18. Your quilt looks so lovely, great quilting.

  19. Hi Zinnie (and Lynn),
    My Bailey dog is in the dog surgical center recovering from knee surgery this evening. He is my sit and sew dog and will have to be sitting (well I guess laying) for some time during recovery. I know Bailey would love to do this pattern as much as I would.

  20. Oh my goodness! I have been so busy, I could have missed the best giveaway ever!
    Zinnie, I think you should pick me because I personally believe Lynn designed this just for me because she knows how much I love Halloween. AND, because I'm from Lynn's home town. That should count for something.
    Pretty please!

  21. Oh, Zinnie, come here girl! Let me give you some lovin’—lots of petting behind the ears, your favorite kibble snack and playing fetch at your favorite lake. See, wasn’t that fun?! Now be a good girl and pick your new best friend’s name (Tammy) out of the hat! That’s the way! Good dog, good Zinnie!

  22. Dear Zinnie, please pick me. I'm from a warm and wet country. I bet you do love here. We have sumemr through the year!

  23. Zinnie you should pick my name because I have never won a blog contest before.

    Thank you!

  24. Zinnie, you have a wonderful owner who takes you to magical places for you to explore.

    She has a wonderful sense of design and colour, I think you should fetch this pattern and bring it up to me in British Columbia where Autumn is one of my favourite times of year and there are lots of places for you to run and explore.

  25. Zinnie, oh Zinnie, oh please pick me!
    You're the prettiest little Golden that I ever did see!
    So reach in the pot, and sniff all around.
    If you sniff very hard, my name will be found.
    It will smell like a sheltie-- well, actually, two...
    Mandy and Kolby are their names, and I love them, yes I do!
    Dogs are the BEST friends we could ever hope to find,
    Y'all are always so devoted, so loving, and so kind!
    So, if you stick your nose into the name pot,
    and sniff, then sniff some more,
    and pull out the card that says "Gwen",
    you will make my heart soar!

    Thanks so much!

  26. I have spent days trying to come up with something clever - apparently when the pressure is on, I'm an airhead. Isn't that just what one wants to learn about herself?? Anyway...

    Zinnie, I promise if you choose my comment I will return the favor by sending a lovely bag of my pup's favorite treats from Milo's Kitchen. I would LOVE to receive this pattern, so I hope the honesty has made the difference (and the bribe). :o)
