
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Become a Finisher

Hello Everyone,
My friend Barbara made this beautiful autumn version of Buttonwood when she took my class at In Between Stitches.

 She started out in one colorway, realized she wasn't happy, and totally changed directions and created this beautiful quilt that is decorating her home during the fall season.

Barbara's quilter is very detail oriented.  Barbara hands the quilt over to her and tells her to work her magic......and she does.

I've discovered over the years while working at the quilt shop, that there are process quilters, and there are finishing quilters.  A process quilter loves buying the books and patterns, selecting the fabric, makes a few blocks, then the whole project is put away, never to be seen again.  They love the process and the thrill of starting something new, and learning a new quilting technique.  Over the years a process quilter ends up with a sewing room full of PIGS (Projects in Grocery Sacks) or PhD's (Piled High and Deep). I have lots of PIGS and PhD's in my closet so welcome to my world!

Barbara falls into the finishing category who enjoys the process.  She is tenacious when it comes to working on the homework I assign for class.  I know her quilt is going to be finished by the second meeting of the class, and finished beautifully.  If she doesn't like the direction the quilt is going, she cuts her losses, and starts over in a different direction and she knows when she's followed the right path because.......she trusts her instincts.

As you go through your day and life.....become a finisher and enjoy the process.  Enjoy each step along the way that takes you closer to the completion of a goal.  Set milestones, makes lists, break large tasks up into smaller more manageable pieces, and trust your instincts.  You can do it!  It's never too late to become a finisher.




  1. This is gorgeous - beautifully quilted. How big are those corner baskets? Oh my.

    1. Hi Sharon,
      The baskets finish at 6". I have a tutorial on my blog site under the Virtual Classroom tab at the top of the blog. Scroll down past the flying geese and flower tutorial, and you'll get to the basket tutorial. I love baskets, especially itty bitty baskets!

      Take care,

  2. Thanks Lynn!! I needed that!! Great post!!
    PS That quilting took my breath away!! STUNNING!

  3. I hadn't thought about Buttonwood in is gorgeous & I was just digging through my autumn stash yesterday, but October Magic was on the place where my mind used to be...just before the pumpkin patch raid with the Gran'bebes. Prior to that I had set aside what should be a simple project out of frustration so I could devise a better plan of I really needed that little pep talk! I will win!!!

  4. Haha, I am a process quilter that enjoys a finish. I just love pulling the fabric together but sometimes it is a struggle to finish. But then again I do all my own quilting so to me it isn't finished until I get around to the quilting and that is where I tend to stall.

  5. The Autumn version of Buttonwood is gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I think of myself as a processor however I do see my projects all the way through to the flimsy stage. I seldom care whether or not my flimsy is quilted. I just enjoy the journey(aka the process)of making the quilt top. Once that's done I'm ready to move on. LOL You wouldn't believe the pile of flimsies in my little corner of the world. :-)

  6. OMG!!!! You just described me to a T. Now I know that I am a process quilter and not just a quilter with quilt ADD.
    I want to thank you for such a wonderful blog I always look forward to reading your posts.

  7. I second that, Lynn! I am a finisher and so happy that I am! Barbara's work is gorgeous and I'm just drooling over her color choices! Thanks so much for showing us her work! Have a great trip!

  8. Hi, Lynn! I have been an incorrigible process quilter for some 20 years, but BlogLand has helped me transition into a finisher as well over the last two calendar years. In fact, as I finished unpacking The Quilt Storage from this move, I labeled and itemized each and every kit and project that has accumulated over the decades (there are SEVENTY-FOUR that have never even been started!!!! 74~!!! What's With That??!!) Got those suckers listed on a side page of my blog (pride be damned), and I aim to chunk away at them over the next 5 years. It'll be slow going for another 18 months, until I finish my masters, but at least it's moving forward instead of stagnating and growing worse. :D So timely to see your post today! And Barbara's quilt is gorgeous!
