
Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekend highlighs

Hello Everyone,
I didn't exactly take the weekend off.....well I did from quilting.  I managed to get the applique pieces prepared for the center medallion.


The parts and pieces are together, but not securely fastened in their final spot.  At first I was going to make all of the flowers two shades of pink, and then I decided that I liked a little splash of yellow in the mix.

Busy weekend here without much to show for it.  We drove back to the city from the cabin Friday afternoon since we had a few errands to do in town.  On one of those errands, Mr. Joe realized that he didn't have his wallet.  No reason to panic too much except for the fact that we are leaving for Switzerland this week!  No ID, no credit card, no ATM card, no familiar little bump in the behind.  All Mr. Joe had was a passport.

I checked our accounts online, and there hadn't been any activity on the cards, so the only logical explanation was the wallet was left behind at the cabin. After a quick bite to eat, over a very silent dinner table, we loaded Zinnie back into the car, and made the 2-hour trip back to the cabin in Friday afternoon Bay Area commute traffic which isn't pretty.  I read the whole way to keep my mind off the potential problem and tried to keep negative "what if" thoughts from entering my brain. 

To make a long story short, the missing wallet was found in a pair of shorts, in the closet.  Big, BIG sigh of relief.  We loaded Zinnie up in the car again without her getting the chance to chase any squirrels, and made the 2-hour trip back home under the glorious harvest moon.

Our car club sponsored a car show Sunday in downtown Livermore.  We were up and out of the house by 4am to start our shifts.  These car people are crazy and arrive early to park their cars in just the perfect spot.  Almost 700 classic cars rolled into town in the wee hours of the morning.  I worked the registration desk and was amazed at the number of tattoos I saw, under the brilliant light of the moon.  Nice group of folks, just lots of ink! Which was ironic since I couldn't find a pen that worked properly!

Shift over, came home and started to pack and get the house ready for the house sitter.  It seemed odd to pack sweaters and layers for the cool Swiss climate when it is 100 degrees outside. 

I'm off to work this morning at the shop.  I may just curl up in the Minkee section and snooze.  I'll be packing and making final preparations over the next couple of days, so quilting time will be a premium.  I just want to get the applique to a point that I can take with me and stitch while flying across the Atlantic.  Note to self:  The next time we fly, DO NOT read Ken Follett's book Night Over Water prior to the trip. What was I thinking????




  1. Oh I hope you have a wonderful time! Can't wait to see your photos!

    Cheery wave from

  2. How exciting!!!! I know you will have a wonderful time and sigh of relief is right!

    Beautiful applique!


  3. My DH did that also leaving his wallet at our cabin 2 hours away.....he realized on Monday and drove up to get it.....1/2 mile from our cabin he gets stopped by the police for not having his tags on his usual they were in his glove compartment......he explained everything to the police.....the cop followed him to the house and waited for him to get his ID and put his tags on the car....LOL

  4. Oh my gosh! Your rear end must have been numb from all that driving....and Zinnie must have been wondering what her "parents" were doing. Thank goodness the wallet wasn't lost. My hubby has done that before and we have had grand scavenger-type hunts to find it. Wishing you a wonderful trip!

    I know you are very busy packing, etc., but when you get a chance, could you let me know if it is the Starch Method of appliqué that you do? Those flowers are gorgeous!

  5. Switzerland ! WOW How wonderful !

    SO glad hubby found his wallet !

    Have a great trip !

  6. Oh, I'm so glad your hubby found his wallet - whew!

    The applique block is wonderful.

    A trip to Switzerland - sigh! Have tons of fun.

  7. love that checkered fabric. so glad to hear you found the wallet.
    have a great trip

  8. I hope you have a wonderful exciting it sounds!!

    ...and I love the medallion!


  9. Just your little peek and I see quite the masterpiece to come with your medallions quilt, Lynn! So glad Mr. Joe reconnected with his wallet - at least you had a nice, bright full moon to guide you back home ;>) Perhaps Mr. Joe needs one of those wallet chains for the trip - lol!

  10. Thank goodness all worked out regarding the wallet! How exciting that you are heading to Switzerland! That sounds like a wonderful destination! Hope you have a fantastic time! BTW, your appliqué pieces are precious!
