
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blogging Excuses

Hello Everyone,
I've been absent from the blog over the past few days.....did you miss me?  It was a busy week from beginning to end, so I had to let something slip through the cracks.  Here's the rundown of my week and my list of excuses for not blogging.  I guess I can't say the dog ate my computer!
Monday - Worked at the shop
Tuesday - Sew'n Wild Oaks class at the shop
On Wednesday, I taught the last session of Scrappy Leaves.  Here are Genny's scrappy blocks.  She is planning to sew from her stash and make a very scrappy quilt.  It's amazing what you can do with a bag of scraps!

Karen started in on her first two blocks.  She missed the first class, so she's just beginning her journey through the leaves and she's off to a great start.

Patty and I worked on laying out all of her rows.  Backgrounds first, then leaf fabric second.  This is the most difficult part of the quilt.  The blocks go together relatively quickly and they can be chained pieced once you get going.  I can't wait to see the finished projects from all of the girls.

Thursday Mr. Joe and I got our booth set-up for the Sip and Shop at Ruby Hill Winery for the evening event.  He makes items out of wine barrels while I quilt.  He tries to use every part of the barrel from the staves, to the hoops.  I can't believe we forgot to take a picture of the whole booth!  What were we thinking?

Friday I spent the day with household chores, then menu planning and grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. I worked on the accounting for our little business and quilted for about a nanosecond.

Saturday, I was up and out of the house at O-Dark-Hundred and down at the quilt store for  downtown Livermore's "Shop Earlier Than The Bird" annual kick off to the Holiday shopping season.  I was able to get a halfway decent picture of my Country Charmer quilt in the front the dark.

Leslie and Lisa were chatting in their PJ's and enjoying coffee before the crowds arrived.  The whole downtown area was busy with shoppers in their PJ's!  Each shop offered sales and gifts throughout the whole morning.....if you were shopping in your pajamas.  It's becoming a fun, annual event that is well attended.

There were cute robes....


Whole family's shopped in their pajamas.  Family's that shop together, stay together!

After I worked the morning shift at the shop, I headed over to speak at the Northern California Statler Stitcher meeting.....(I wasn't in my pajamas!) The group meets every other month to discuss their machines, new quilting techniques, share ideas and exchange information.  I discussed custom quilting and how I approach quilting a quilt, since I'm not computerized.  I equate my quilting machine to a riding lawn mower that I have to drive around the turf.

I will leave you with a picture of this beautiful Amaryllis at the shop.  I'm headed down there today to fill in for the owner.  It shouldn't be quite as crazy as it was yesterday.  Maybe I should wear my pajamas! 

So, now you can see why I wasn't on the blog much this week.  In fact, I hardly went near the computer.  There's always this week.  Wait a minute.....this week is going to be just as busy as last week.  Where are those PJ's....I think I need a nap.



  1. Oh were a busy gal! Love the idea of shopping in PJ's! Isn't it wonderful when so many people participate! Love the window display...looks like a Christmas card! Let the Christmas season begin!

  2. Oh my gosh!! I would be ecstatic to have such a gorgeous photo of one of my quilts! Your Country Charmer looks magical in that Christmas display. :D

  3. You have been busy!
    Take care and have a Wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Busy, busy, busy! Your quilt looks wonderful in the window - perfect for Christmas.

  5. You are so cute! Now I'm imagining you in your jammies wrapped in a quilt & snoozing in the fluff in that beautiful display window. All snuggled up in the corner between the reindeer and the little tree...don't forget to tuck your teddy under your arm & arrange the pom-pom on your nightcap for the best view before you nod off!

  6. Whew - I need a nap after reading about your week, Lynn! Love the leaf blocks - I'm thinking I should make one of each before I put my current scraps in the scrap bin! LOVE the pajama shopping! Did Zinnie come along and wear her doggy night cap, too? Wish I could have been in that group of stitchers (nice garaga meeting digs - hee) since I'm not computerized, either! I can always use tips! Enjoy your day working today - I hope you get a long winter's rest soon!

  7. This is an adorable blog entry! I love everything, especially your quilt in the window! It's gorgeous!

    Cheery wave!


  8. Whoa. I'm exhausted just reading about your week. Your quilt looks wonderful in the shop window.

  9. How fun! Shopping in your PJs! I would have to go shopping for new PJs to go shopping PJs look like rejects from the bottom of the Goodwill donation barrel. What a beautiful picture of your quilt in the window!
