
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

It's Official

Hello Everyone,
It's finally official and I can let the cat out of the bag. I'll be teaching my patchwork math for quilting components class at Quilting in the Garden on Wednesday, September 25th! For details click HERE.
It's even more exciting that Sue Abrey (Quilt Sue) is coming from England and Sue will be teaching Naughts and Crosses on Thursday, September 26th from her Pick Four book!  For details click HERE. What could be more exciting than that you ask?  Well, Sue is going to be staying with me for her first visit to California! 

Sue and I have become blogging buddies over the past few years and now we finally get to meet. Mr. Joe and I will have the pleasure to wine and dine her, show off our beautiful state, and really get to know each other.  We'll spend some time at the cabin and the bears promised to stay away during her visit.
We will be together at Alden Lane Nursery on Wednesday and Thursday in each others class. We would love to meet many of you during our classes and at the quilt show on Saturday & Sunday at the In Between Stitches booth.  I have a strong feeling Sue's sense of humor or (humour) is going to keep us in stitches!  This is a "twofer week" can take my class one day and Sue's the next.  We plan on having a great time and I know you will too at Quilting in the Garden.
More details about our classes will be available soon on the Quilting in the Garden website.  I'm off to teach at the shop this morning.  Stay cool!


  1. How exciting - I will be there in spirit.

  2. Great news! Congratulations!!!! The blocks are so beautiful, the class should fill quickly!!!

  3. How Fun !!!! You and Sue teaching a class ! Love your blocks they are beautiful !

  4. How very cool....I follow Quilt Sue's blog also......I hope to get down to the Quilting in the Garden Show.....I really would like to meet her....

  5. What a great time you and Sue will have! Quilting in the Garden sounds like a fabulous time for everyone, and having you and Sue teach classes is indeed a bonus. I think your math class will attract a lot of quilters. I have Sue's book, so maybe I will quiltalong from a distance! As for the bears at the cabin,good idea to keep them away!

  6. Oh, I am excited for you two (and all who get to attend the classes). I sure wish I could make it .. perhaps another time. You ladies have a wonderful time.

  7. How lovely for you and Sue to meet up. Enjoy your time together..
    Congrats on your class, I'm sure it will be fun for the ladies..
    Julia ♥

  8. Yippeee! I'm glad it all came together, Lynn! Being at Quilting in the Garden is on my bucket list - maybe next year!

  9. I am just so excited I can hardly wait. Did you know it's 73 days, or 1760 hours (actually, it's less hours by the time you read this) till we meet?

  10. Lucky girls to finally meet each other and I'm sure both classes will fill completely.

  11. Hi Lynn! I've not read a single blog for months - so I'm just checking in! I need to come over to the Bay soon - I'm having new fabric withdrawl!

    Congrats on the classes - and have a great time in the Garden!!!

